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"This is gonna be a long night"


I wake up next to Kookie in his bed. The sunlight was seeping through the curtains and landed right on my face.
' Well good morning then'
'I don't really wanna get up'
Blinking back the sleep from my eyes that was when I realized I was laying next to a shirtless Kookie. My eyes widened at the sight of his toned abs and large muscular arms. I noticed the sleeve he had tattooed up his arm, the intricate drawings fascinated me and my hand moved along the lines and patterns. I was lost in his designs and didn't notice is stare upon my sleepy figure. I was startled when he rolled over closer to me and draped his arm over my waist. For once I didn't flinch and I felt proud on the inside. "Good morning Bun", Kookie's morning voice sent shivers down my spine and I'm sure he could hear my heart pound against my chest. Yesterday had felt like such a blur that at 8am in the morning I had to remind myself I was dating these boys.

"Morning Kook" I whispered, too scared that the nervousness could be heard in my voice. His other hand reached out from under the duvet and pulled away looses strands of hair that had fallen over my face. A huge yawn ripped through me and immediately grew embarrassed at him seeing that. I knew that this would be the time he would laugh at me, make fun of me, push me out of the bed however all he done was stare lovingly at my morning bed head and dry sleepy eyes. I was confused, the only love I had ever got was different from this. So different that I didn't know how truly wrong it was till now. Kooks soft movement of his hand on my hair broke me from my thoughts, "can we go eat breakfast?", my stomach was starting to grumble and I was craving some food. " Of course Bun, let me get a shirt first".

Nodding, I watched as he jumped out of bed like a large bunny and that idea made me giggle. He looked back around to me balled up in the duvets and with my head peeking out, "is my Bun laughing at me?", immediately Kook jumped back into the bed and tickled my sides. Laughter filled the room in the early morning and I couldn't be happier. I knew it had all moved very fast with us but these boys were what was good for me and I hoped I was good for them as well. "STOP-AH-ahaha-KOOKIE!!", my pleads where thankfully heard from him and he stopped, still being weary of the bruise that blossomed on my side.

"Now is it time for breakfast?" I giggled out. Kook just nodded and pulled me out from my nest in the bed. I looked at him with so much adoration that in the moment I couldn't stop what I was doing. I reached in and placed a small but loving peck on his lips. Pulling away, both of our cheeks were shade of pink. Mine from embarrassment and his out of surprise.

Finally we had made it out of the room, both looking well slept and fluffy from the night before. Walking past the clock in the large hallway towards the kitchen the time read 8:15am, humming to myself I could smell some food. "Now princess I am going to be making some French toast are you interested?", the sound of the voice alerted me to slip from Kooks hand and run forward. "JINNIE", I screeched and hugged him tightly. He pated my back and embraced me in the hug. "Where is everyone else?" I questioned looking around the room, "probably sleeping sweetheart", Joonie walked over kissing me on the cheek. Ignoring the blush in my cheeks I jumped off the stool and ran round the corner. "Where are you going Bun?" Kook called out.

"To go and wake my other boyfriends?"

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