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"Who fancies take- wow Joon what happened Baby?"


Joon walked back upstairs to take another shower due to all the flour on him. The prank wasn't my idea but as soon as Tae said that we should I couldn't resist, my inner child came out. My inner child always came out around the boys as they made me feel so loved and I experience things I never have when I am with them, and I love it.

Hobi wrapped his arms round my waist and swayed us to the beat of the music, Yoongi just turned on. "So, who fancies Take-out?". Hobi stopping his swaying for a moment. "Ahh yes, can we get Chinese?", I asked as I knew Kook would fancy it as well. Just as i said the word Chinese, Kook ran into the kitchen, topless and just in his sweatpants, his hair wet from the shower, "Did someone say Chinese food?!" he panted out.

"Yah Kook, go put a top on otherwise Chinese food will have to wait", Yoongi winked at him as he past by, rubbing his hand down his side. Kook didn't say anything only a similar grin was on his face matching Yoongi's. The air all of a sudden was filled with a tick atmosphere, but not he angry kind The lustful kind and I didn't know what to do. Everyone in the kitchen just stood, not speaking but I knew the boys were speaking with there eyes. "Lets order something then", Joon said as he walked in, towel drying his hair.

I let out a sigh of relief, thankful the sexy air had disappeared. Don't get me wrong, I would love to kiss the boys, they are my boyfriends, however I'm scared of what will happen after that. I have had sex but that was uncomfortable as hell due to it being by a bush in park with an ex of mine. The night was a blur due to me sneaking out to see him and then we did it. The sex was okay but painful and we broke up a couple days after.
' Maybe I will ask kook about it'
' Yoongi seems really chill though'
' Jin is mature as well, Agh this is complicated'

The door bell rang as we were all cuddled up on the large sofa. I was laying my head on Hobi's lap and Yoongi was underneath my body with a blanket on top of us. Across from us, Tae and Kook were lazily stretched on top of each other, watching a video together. The cutest however was Jimin as he was on top of Joonie's back, piggyback style watching Joonie play a game on his phone. The sight made my eyes water with sweetness. "Ill get it", I said as it seemed my position was easiest to get out of. The boys eyes shot towards me "You sure kitten?" Yoongi said as I walked away, making sure I was okay. Recently, opening the door for people was the closest I got to the outside, but this time was the first without the boys.

Opening the door, a large man was stood holding a bag filled with our takeout. "Hi, order for Y/N", his feet inching further towards me. "Yeah, that's me, Thank you, we paid on the app", My anxiety growing just a bit more only due the the mans glaring eyes that seemed to travel through me and instead to the house. "Thank you", I said again trying to get the man to leave my doorway but he still stood there with eyes darting everywhere.

"You have a lovely house miss", he said now with his eye on me. The aura of his smile made a chill run up my spine and before I could call one of the boys, a touching hand was laid on my shoulder. "Thank you, now please can you leave the premises", Taes deep voice spoke behind me and my anxiety dripped away. The man just nodded and walked off but eyes sometimes darting towards the house and me. "What a weirdo", Tae said and he unpacked the Chinese food on the table. I stood there with a confused expression. "What's wrong Luv?", Jimin said as he placed strand of hair behind me ear. The rest of the boys now sitting at the table."

"How did he know my name, if the order was placed in the name of 'Jin' "

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