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I just wanted to say Thank you so much for 1K reads!! I never thought it would get to this but it has and I love you all so much💜Please comment who is your bias in the comments and I will try to add there POV in more!! THANK YOU I LOVE YOU LEMONS XOXO
                                          ~ Sadie xxx

Look Chim! It's a puppy can we keep it?!"


Walking out of the shower, a loose towel wrapped around my waist, I began to get changed. The loose black joggers seemed enough today and no shirt was in sight. Tae wasn't in bed so I was guessing he was downstairs with Jimin and Bun. My stomach growled, hinting for me to go and get some breakfast.

Last night with Tae had been a lot so now I was proving it with hunger. Walking past the hallway mirror, I noticed the litter of hickeys on my neck. "Oh shit, Joon might kill me for this one", as I tried wiping them off.
' As if they are gonna wipe off Kook ' ' They are stuck there '

No smell of waffles or pancakes flooded my nose as i peaked my head into the kitchen, instead I was met with an empty room with a slice of burnt toast on the side. "Bun?", I called out as I put the burnt slice in the in the bin. A breeze swept in through the kitchen, creating goosebumps on my arm. "Guys, I told you to keep the windows shut or Jin will catch a cold easily", I grumbled to myself. I was never a morning person and this wasn't helping. I was missing my morning cuddle with Jimin and Bun. However no window in the kitchen was open so I found myself walking to the garden door.

To my surprise the door was wide open and outside perched on the grass in small circle were my 3 missing people. Sliding on my slippers, I walked through the dewy grass. "Baby's, what are you doing out here?", as I drew closer. "Kook, come look what I found!", Y/N screeched out as she ran towards me. Grabbing my hand, Bun pulled me to the circle of boyfriends and there I was met with a small Pomeranian puppy. "Wow Bun, that', nice", slowly glancing to the 2 boys. Their eyes both held the same expression of ' Joon and Yoongi aren't going to like this ', but none of us held the heart to tell Y/N we cant keep it.

"Where did you find it Bun?", perching myself behind her as he back rested on my still shirtless chest. Hanging out in the garden was not on my to-do list today but here we are. "Kookie, Its a he and also he was in the bush and I have already named him", she smiled proudly at me from the tilt in her neck. "Really, who helped you come up with the name Baby?", my eyes locking with the boys. "Tae did!", Taes boxy smile slowly crawled onto his face, "Come on Baby, he is so cute what was I supposed to do!". Glancing back down to the small puppy rolling in the grass, I reached over to pet its tan fur, "He is a very pretty color", as his soft fur met my hand. "That's why we called him Tannie, what do you think baby?", Bun said.

My eyes widened at the name. Y/N had not called any of us Baby at all over the past month only going by nicknames, but we was all fine with that. Jimin sprung from his position in the grass, pulling Bun into his lap. "Jimin-ah! That's stolen property!", I chuckled out pretending to be pouty. With a cheeky roll of his eyes he turned back to Y/N.
' wait till I tell Hobi that he rolled is eyes'
' Oh he will be pleased with that'
'. suck on that literally'
' Your gross Kook '

"Luv, how come you called Kook Baby and not meee", Jimin whined as he hugged Y/N closer. "Did I?, I never even noticed sorry Baby", Y/N giggled out. Her giggle sounded like heaven in my ears and I wished it would never stop. "Ha! beat that Tae, I got called Baby as well!", Tae formed a glare with a pout however Y/N was quick to fix that. "Your all my babies! Kook, Jimin, Tae, Yoongi, Hobi and Jinnie and Joonie!", as she reached for the new puppy called 'Tannie'. "Can we go inside now I'm cold", I said as I stood up with a stretch. "Maybe put a shirt on next time", Jimin mumbled out and I reached forward and kissed him on the lips.

"That wouldn't be much fun for you though Foxy"

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