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Warning: mentions of abuse

"I want a Jimin and Kook"


I sat by the toilet, my head tucked in between my legs as I tried to calm my breathe down. My cheeks were hot and sticky from the tears that had ran down them. I dared to look in the mirror, too scared to see the mess that it held within it. I felt the boys hands that stroked my back and hair in a calming movement but all my mind could think of was the painful past that Tae dared to ask about.

~ 5 years ago~

"Its not true!!...She wouldn't leave me like that, we had so much left to do", I whispered as I sank my knees into the ground below me. My mothers funeral was something I had to attend to far too young. The fire just came out of no where, I can still smell the burnt chemicals and fabric spreading through the air. I expect to see rain start to poor over my slumped shoulders like in the movies however the air was crisp and clean and the sky was bright on this spring day. I felt the tears spread down my cheeks feeling utterly alone in this world. A tight hand gripped my shoulder, "Get up girly, time to go home", his voice was meant to sound soft and comforting but instead it was rough and and tight.

The man that held my shoulder was meant to care for me like my mother. This man was supposed to raise me to become a fine young women. This man was supposed to not beat me every night. This man was not supposed to come home stumbling from drink. But the world clearly had a different story for me. How much I had dreamed and yearned for that father figure in my life but it was replaced with a vicious man in need of touch that was dirty and tainted.

When my mum was alive, he wasn't so bad. I could deal with the small kicks to the knee at dinner under the table and small slaps behind the head if I messed up something small. It all changed drastically when Mum died though, he became darker, sadder and harsher. I kept my lips sealed tight, my knees lifting me from the grave sight as I numbly stumbled back to the car.

The nights were lonely and dark and scary for me. The worst things happened at night. The slaps and punches came at full force but my 14 year old body, too small and petite couldn't do anything to fight back. He would whisper in my ear whilst punishing my body "This is for your mother", "its all your fault she's gone" and that was what truly broke me...not the abuse. All I could do was stay quiet and pray to the angels that someone would come into the room and pull the bloody fisted man away from my lifeless body but no one did. Not ever.

I remember one night I had walked downstairs to get a glass of water, trying my hardest not to wake the alcohol infused beast. The floor boards creaked under my light footing but he seemed deaf to the sound. "Ah, thank god", I muttered under my breath in relief. My body ached with pain and groaned at me to go and lay back down but my thirst pulled me forward. I got my glass of water and was about to turn back up the stairs when a figure gloomed over me. I wasn't surprised it was him. "Turn around Y/N", his words slurring. Turning around I was met with his body that smelt of grease and blood.

Bracing myself for a hit, but it never came. "You look just like her it pains me, I miss her so much and you remind me that she's gone. My anger takes over and I forget about the girl I met when she was 10, the 4 years we had together and all I want to do is cry from what I am doing. Y/N, Don't you ever leave me because I love you, not matter what and those bruises just mark my territory", my eyes widened at the words and I ran back up to my room forgetting about my glass that sat on the banister. He beat me harder than ever that night. Somewhere in his ugly, fucked up heart, I knew he held love for me as his step daughter and he truly loved my mother and I wished I could deny that but I simply couldn't. I think that's what kept me chained to that house for so long.

~ Back to present~

I looked up at the boys that saved my life and squeezed them with my arm wrapped around there waists. I simply dried my tears and looked at them in their eyes that filled with worry,

" I'm ready to tell you about myself"

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