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Hey lemons ...I'm back!! I'm sorry for they delay but I would I would love to say thank you for the love on this book!! Without you it would still be at 1 reads! I love you all so much so expect even more updates XOXO 🌙✨

"Morning my lovelies"


I walked past the kitchen door to be met with Joon, staring at me with sleepy eyes and fluffy hair. My sleepless night had me feeling groggy but I was excited for the day ahead. Placing myself next to Jimin on the bar stool, I leant my head on his shoulder. "Tired, Luv?", he chuckled as he fed me a piece of his waffle.
'I'm pretty sure this is Joons waffle'
'Oo, these are good waffles'

"Who made these waffles?", as I brought the plate closer to me. "Jin, I think", Jimin said as he got up to make some coffee. "Jinnie, these are so good, can you make them again please?", a smile reaching my eyes. Just as he placed the coffee cup down, Yoon walked round the corner taking the cup. "Hey! That was Buttons Yoon!", Jinnie teased as he poured a new cup of coffee.
'What should I do today?'
'Maybe...I could go out?'

"Hmm, Baby I was wondering Bun and you can say no, if you would like to go to our work place today?", Kook said as he wrapped his arms round my waist. His morning voice smooth and gentle. As soon as he said those words, I felt a sparkle in my eyes. Finally, I felt ready to start my life again in the outside world.
"I would love that Kookie!", as I immediately started gulping the coffee down my throat.

"Whoa, slow down sweetheart we can leave at any time today, enjoy your coffee", Joon chuckled as he pecked Jinnie on the cheek and walked out of the kitchen. My face bloomed red in embarrassment but I still couldn't shake the excitement of going to the boys work.
'What should I wear?'
'I wonder who's going in today?'

Jimin held my hand under the table and squeezed it, "It's me, Kook and Yoon today Y/N, but I think Joon is going to drive us" and he got up and put his cup in the sink that was labelled 'man with the best buns'.
'I doubt it's lying'
"I like the mug Jimin", I giggled as followed him to the sink pouring out my now cold coffee. The kitchen was now empty leaving me and Jimin alone.

'Keep calm Y/N'
'Don't start blushing now or you will ruin the mood'
'Own this queen'
Taking a deep breath, I moved closer to Jimin as our chests touched. I could feel the breathe fan onto my face and our eyes met. Excitement flooded my body and my stomach flipped multiple times, was this excitement or nausea?. "You okay, Luv?" As Jimin pushed a stray hair behind my ear. "I'm just fine Baby" and I leaned in a kissed him. I kissed him.

His lips were soft and plump. I felt the love and lust we shared move through us as he deepened the kiss. His hand wrapped around my hips and pulled my closer into our own little world, my cheeks beating with passion. This kiss made me feel complete and so lived in every way possible. We both pulled away and a breathe was pulled from my swollen lips.
"Wow, thanks Luv", Jimin's crescent moon smile filled his face highlights his beautiful face.

"I'm going to get ready for work?", he almost sounded like a question as he unwrapped his hands and walked up the stairs, our eyes never leaving as he walked out the kitchen.

Now having a time to think, I started to fan my cheeks hoping the redness would fade. However I still felt this sickness in my stomach and the heat didn't want to leave my cheeks.
'Am I coming down with something?'
"You can't ruin the day Y/N, it's your first time out properly with the boys" I repeated as I walked out of the kitchen.

Swallowing thickly, I walked into my room and picked my outfit. It was sophisticated but classy and it complimented my hair, I looked good. However, I didn't feel good, in fact I felt clammy and my stomach churned and tightened.
'I'm just overreacting'
'Take a paracetamol and calm down'
Brushing my hair, and spaying some perfume which didn't really make my stomach feel anymore settled I walked into the hallway.

Joon walked out from his door with Kook following him behind fixing his hair that seemed fluffy and messed with.
'I wonder what they were doing', as I smirked and met up with them.
"Hey Bun, you ready for today?" Kook took my hand as we made our way down the stairs. I nodded, worried he would tell how I felt if I uttered a word.

The comfort of having Kook and Joon made my stomach ease a-bit however I still felt sick and I don't like it. Not one bit. "Hey Sweetheart, you still feeling tired? You can't sleep in the car, your looking abit flushed", Joon commented as he pulled the car keys into his pocket.
'Crap should have put more foundation on'
'I knew he would notice'

"Yah!, Joonie I feel fine I'm just flushed because I kissed Jimin", the worlds just slipped right out. Just as I said it, the man come strutting down the stairs, "my princess is correct gentleman!...We KISSED!", he smugly resolved as he pulled my from Kook and wrapped me in his arms. "Show off...", Joon muttered as he opened the front door.

I scrambled out of the door yelling a bye to the rest of the boys and pulled Jimin along with me with Kook.
"Hey, Hey nothing to be embarrassed about baby, I'm happy you two had a moment", Kook giggled out as he opens the car door. I wasn't actually embarrassed, in fact I was happy we kissed I was just staring to feel so nauseous I had to get fresh air and Jimin was still attached to my hand.
'But they don't have to know that'
Joon soon walked out and sat into the driver seat,

"Ready to go Sweetheart?"

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