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"I can sleep on the couch if you like..or I can share with you?"


My mouth hung open at the statement he just made. Was he being serious?. Was I being serious from considering it?. Am I still gonna get sold on the black market?. I knew I was over thinking but I couldn't help the fact that I wanted him to stay.
Definitely not for the reasons any normal person would think when they saw a man that looks like JK. But the idea of having a sense of security whilst I was sleeping gave me great relief. For I had longed for warm touch for all my years. 

Whilst I was considering the idea and finally came to my decision. "Well um sure, you can stay" I said, comfortable with my answer. However JKs reaction looked slightly shocked.
'Omg Y/N, he was joking!! Why would he want to share a bed with you !!'
Heat rose to my cheeks as I noticed my mistake to hear his sarcasm. Totally embarrassed, no words left my mouth but before I could answer, JK dropped his expressions. "Sure, I normally sleep on the left side" as he walked over to the bathroom. "I will warm up the shower for you" whilst walking into the en-suite.

'Smooth Y/N, smooth' I manually face palmed at myself. The mention of a hot shower was euphoria (hehehe;) to my ears. My t shirt was faded from its bright purple colour to now a swamp brown and I couldn't wait to get out of it. I didn't want to imagine what my hair looked like so I decided not to look in the mirror plastered onto the walls opposite the bed.

Jk had emerged from the bathroom and began to walk over to me. "It's all ready, I am going to talk to my hyungs downstairs...will you be okay?". It made my heart flutter at the kindness of his words and having 30 minutes to myself to gather my thoughts was heaven. "Thank you kookie..." I slipped out. My eyes widened at the the nickname that slipped out, hesitating, my eyes met Kookies and his bunny smile popped out. "Hmm Kookie...I like it. Have a nice shower, there are clothes on the bed Y/N ...they will probably be too big but they will be warmer".

Nodding, I turned my back, and walked to the bathroom. Finally, sometime to bring my thoughts together and think of my next plan to leave my past life.


The state of the girl that hung behind JK as they walked up to his bedroom bewildered me. She intrigued me and I still didn't know her name. I think JK said it was Y/N. The time caught my eye that hung above the clock and I let out a light chuckle.
'I should be asleep right now and here I am'
I looked to my friends and they held the same  expressions as me. Sadness with a mix of confusion. This girl looked no older than 19, what possible reason could it have been for her to be in the storm and in the dead of night?.

"Jk has a lot of explaining to do" claimed Jin as he walked over to the living room. Namjoon, Hobi and I followed along however the youngest all stood at the bottom of the staircase. "Do you think she's okay hyung". Our heads all turned to Taehyung and Jimin as they took one step up the staircase. Jin let out a huff , "Boys, leave them be, JK can look after her". We all moved into the living room one by one.

We all sat in silence with Jimin by my legs, Taehyung and Jin sat together on the sofa opposite me with Namjoon standing infront of the fireplace. Jk immersed from the hallway and before we could ask questions, a low grumbled echoed through my stomach.

"So..who wants breakfast?"

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