Halloween Special-

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I'm back Lemons!!, Thank you so so  so much for all the love and reads and comments on this Book. I'm thinking of making the rest of the book into a cute scenarios book of what my readers request. What do you think?

I'm feeling so happy and finally better! I'm so excited to make this book into a book of love and our favourite boys

Love you all so much xoxoxox



'Where could she be ?'

I questioned myself as searched around the house trying to find sweetheart. The crisp leafs outside created heaps outside the window by the garden. Yeotan seemed to blend into the scenery. "Babe, have you seen Y/N today?", I asked Yoongi as he slumped down the stairs. Work this month had been busy due to the new group debuting. We took faith in the group TXT and it was worth every hour dancing and training them.

"Not today, maybe she's with Tae?", he grumbled out as he went to fill up his now empty coffee cup. Today was the day. Halloween, the best night of the year at least in Kookie's opinion. Y/N had been with us for awhile now and everything seemed to just...fit. From the distance I heard scattered running coming from the 1st floor. "I believe that is the missing Kitten" chimed Yoongi.

My feet led me down stairs to see the most adorable sight in my life. Kookie and Tae had Y/N running round the room trying to place bunny ears on her. A smile grew on my face.

"GUYS!!, I said I want to be a cat for Halloween, not a Bunny!", she screeched. However, her words seemed to be doged by the maknae's as they continued with the pleading of 'You would look so cute Bubs' and 'Do this for me Babe'. Sweetheart's eyes moved around the room, meeting mine and that's when she found her target.

"Hobi, Baby, you have got to save me from these two !", she puffed out in her state of laughter as her small frame clung on to mine. With a oomph from the impact, I immediately came to her rescue. "Babies, Let sweetheart be what she wants, go get Jiminie be the Bunny I'm sure he would love that". I immediately saw mischief spark in there eyes as they ran up the stairs.

"Jiminie baby, where r you!?", Tae seemed to sound sinister.
'Good luck Jimin'
'Thank me later bubs'

"Thank god you saved me Hobi, they were chasing me for agesss", her silliness dragging out the s. When looking at her all I saw was beauty. Not a abused, unloved and fragile girl JK found on the side of the road.No. All I saw was gorgeous flushed cheeks, sparkle in her eyes and the dusting of freckles that scatter over her face. She was gorgeous and ours. Our precious Y/N.

"Now, shall we start getting ready for tonight?"

Later that night~


Looking in the mirror, I knew I was ready. Me and the boys had decided on a Halloween party of just us 7 for our first Halloween together. I knew I had to absolutely win the costume competition with this outfit. The lacy, black tutu and black corset fitted my figure perfectly. The shortness of the skirt allowed my thigh high stocking ton peek, and it thrilled me. The cat ears I had fought over with the youngest sat on my head with pride.
' I look hot'
'Watch them pop a bone-'

"Y/N!, We are supposed to be cute, not naughty!", I whispered to myself as walked out of the room. From the top of the stairs I could see my boys waiting for me at the bottom. "Button, are you ready to come down?", Jinnie called for me.

"Come on Bun, we need to see how cute you look", Kookie called. As I graced the top of the stairs my breathe caught in my throat. The boys looked so fucking hot. I had to stop myself from drooling. The boys all matched with black suits and large, dark angel wings.

"Lets get this party started boys..."

This how I pictured the boys ✨♥️

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This how I pictured the boys ✨♥️

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