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"That's tempted kidnapping Min Yoongi!!"


We was all sat around the dining room table digging into the French toast Jinnie had made. I believe I'm in heaven honestly. In the last 3 days I had found a home, boyfriends and trust. The thought made my head spin at the idea that this happened so quick. Ii finished the French toast and laid back in my seat feeling full and happy. To my right, Kookie was eating the rest of Jimin's food and to my left Joonie was reading a novel I had no sense of and was deeply engrossed into it. A warm feeling settled over me watching round me. In front of me Tae and Jimin were happily playing a game on Tae phone, Yoongi was talking to Hobi and giving me side glances
'Did I do something wrong?'
'Is there Something on my face?'
'Do they not like me?'
I began to grow flustered at the idea that ran round my head like a kid in a playground. It was starting to hurt my head so i leaned into Joonie to give me some comfort. He immediately turned too me and wrapped an arm around me. "You okay sweetheart?", he whispered in my ear softly. I just nodded my head, not wanting to draw attention to myself and ruin the mood. We continued in this position till the end of breakfast when Joonie had to go and do the dishes.

From the sounds coming from the kitchen, Jinnie was scolding him for dropping a plate. The rest of the boys had left to get dressed properly and showered and that left me alone with Hobi and Yoongi. I could still hear there mumbles between each other and I started to grow angry. I was never angry as i never liked the affects it had as a consequence but this situation was irking me a lot.

I was sitting right near them and still wanted to talk crap about me. Not today will I let that happen to me. I haven't come this far from he past to go back to toxicity. Wanting to shout in here faces about the past i have been through and tell them its not nice to talk about someone when there right in front of you. I rose from my seat and walked in font of Hobi. "You okay sweetheart?", Hobi responded looking up at me and I fueled my anger even more. ' 'He is going to act dumb to me?''
'Did he think I wouldn't feel hurt? ' ' I guess he doesn't care for me neither Yoongi' I was ready to shout and pout however I felt something wet fall onto my cheek. Was I crying?. I felt the sobs wrack through my body as he feeling of betrayal set through me when I really thought about the comments in my mind said.
'Some much for being a boss women Y/N and showing your anger'

Yoongi jumped into action and rubbed my back and cupped my face, "why is my Kitten crying hmm?". I hiccupped and sniffled letting myself calm down before I spoke. Hobi was sat in front of me now, however I couldn't bring myself to look in his or Yoongi's eyes. Should I tell them I heard them?. " You guys don't love me anymore, I heard you", I met there eyes and what they held was pure sadness and pan. Did I do something wrong again? I started to cry more again and Hob had tilted my head, " Why would you think that Babygirl?" he questioned. I wiped my nose and Looked at his eyes and explained I heard him and Yoongi.

I prepared to hear them nod and point at me saying it was true but that didn't happen, nothing like that instead they did laugh but it wasn't nasty. Instead it was a light chuckle and this time there yes held light and laughter. I poured wanting tp np what was it had missed out on. "Kitten, we was talking about what we need to get for your room, not any where near your idea of us hating you", Yoongi chuckled out as he dried my tear. A simple "oh" left my lips and I was embarrassed to the gods and happy. I was getting a room. Hobi got up to get me a glass of water whilst muttering in my hair on the way out,

"My silly girl Y/N"

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