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"To go and wake my other boyfriends?"


"That was amazing" was the first thing I said when I woke up. Jimin was pressed up against my back, being the big spoon for the first time in a while. Yoongi was missing from the bed and I could hear the water running meaning he was having a shower. Last night did get messy. Jimin began to stir behind me with a few grunts and shuffles. Turning my body round to face him, his cute pout and fluffy hair that sat on top of his head made me grow heart eyes. I rubbed my hands down his sides.

"Morning Baby" mumbled from his lips and we connected for a morning kiss. Skin ship was frequently used in this house however it never felt the same, it always held a new spark of love and adoration. The morning light was hiding behind the curtains that Yoongi had hung. His sleek grey and black theme suited his bedroom well and gave off a sophisticated aura around it.

"How are my babies this morning?", Yoongi walked out of the bathroom with a cloud of steam following out after him. He look ethereal. The white towel hug loosely around his slim waist and that was the only ting covering him. He walked around to the bed and pecked me and Jimin on the head. "If you keep staring Baby, I might have to get back into bed", he walked over to the closet with flirty smile on his face and left me still in bed with a bashful face.

Yoongi always made me flustered under his remarks and I loved it. "Are the rest of the boys up?", Jimin questioned as he sat up in bed showing of his chiseled body. 'Can no one wear tops in this house,'
'I'm gonna have a heart attack one day' " I dun-", I couldn't finish of my sentence because a small knock echoed through the room. My eyebrows scrunched together as no one normally knocked, everyone just barges in and asks for morning cuddles. And the it hit me. Our babygirl was knocking for permission to come in, and my heart right then and there exploded in fragments of love.

Shoving me and Jimin off the bed, we both scrambled to find clothes. I knew that Y/N would know what all couples do however we didn't want to scare her with 3 semi-naked men at 8:30 in the morning. My hand found a black t shirt that had to dumped on the floor from Yoongi. I had to mentally stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Messy boy", I grumbled out as I put it on. "Come in Kitten", Yoongi called as he pulled on his sock and in bounced a fluffy and soft Y/N.


Y/N popped through the doorway and everyone in the room took a mental screenshot to save and treasure. Her T-Shirt that was 3 sizes too large hung off her small body and her hair that tumbled down her back and the sleep in her eyes made me fall for her even more. She was perfect. She stood there looking lost in thought like she had forgot what to say.

I chuckled at her state and was hit with 'oomph' when a pillow was hurled at my head. Whipping round my head to go and murder the man that threw it , but before I could kitten spoke and immediately listened. " Morning, Jinnie is making breakfast... would you like some?", she hugged herself feeling all eyes on her.

Jimin got up walked over to her, "of course luv, lets go!", his bright smile was matched onto Kittens face. My heart just exploded with cuteness
' Yoongi get a grip'
' Its too early for this'
' Is cuteness even a word?'
"I think it is but I'm not sure", Hobi had slipped his hand into mine and I was shocked. "What?" I asked lost at what he meant. "Lover boy here was so lost in thought he spoke aloud, aww", He teased me and I grew red and marched up to Y/N. She squealed when I picked her up bridal style and jogged to the kitchen leaving behind my boyfriends. In the distance all I heard was,

"That is attempted kidnapping Min Yoongi!!"

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