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I'm back lemons!!! Let's get this fluff!! XOXO
                                           ~ Sadie

"That film isn't real, right?"

"You will be fine Button, trust Jinnie okay?" As he placed a kiss on my forehead them walking away with empty plates. I knew the film would be scary, but that was another level. At my old house, the horror films noise he used to watch would creep through the walls. It always sounded loud and scary so I thought I could handle this...clearly not. My face had flushed a red and my eyes glossed over with stray tears.
'Why didn't I listen to Jinnie'
'You will be fine Y/N, your an adult'
Next to me, the boys stared to move around, clearly getting ready to head to bed but I was no where near ready.

"Kookie, can I stay up more please?", I pleaded with the biggest puppy dog eyes I could muster. "Bun, it's already 12 let all go to bed, hmm?", he said as he took empty cups into the kitchen.
'Quickly Y/N, think of excuse not to sleep'
I picked myself up from the sofa and walked over to Tannie by the garden door. Stroking his fur and petting his head as I watched the stars. Thats when an idea came to mind. "Kookie, I'm gonna stay up with Tannie for a-bit and watch the garden", I told him as he walked past me holding TaeTaes hand. Both of them titled there head, whilst Tae rubbed his tired eyes that drooped shut almost.

"You sure Bun?, you can share the bed with Jinnie if your scared", Kookie's hushed tone sent shivers down my spine. Although the idea of sharing a bed with Jinnie made my nerves settle, I wanted to show the boys I was mature enough to watch a horror and not be scared. "Mhm, I'm sure...have a good sleep though!" As I stood up and pecked him on the lips. Both of our faces were sure to be red however the darkness of the night blinded it. Tae was now hanging his head on Kookie's shoulder, little snores leavening his lips.
'Why is he so frickin cute'
'I'm a lucky girl'

Hugging TaeTae and kookie as they walked up the stairs following behind Jinnie and the rest, I settled back down on the ground next to Tannie. The night was always peaceful now. No noise. No birds chirping. No lawnmowers. Just me and the world alone. Normally this comforted me and made my insides feel warm however after that god awful film, I couldn't help but feel my bones stiffen at the slightest noise. "You not tired yet either Tannie?", asking the dog trying to take my mind of things. Sleep was calling me but every time I closed my eyes all I could see was that freakish doll. "Jinnie said it's not that means it's not real", I repeated the mantra to myself.

Behind me, the creak fo the floorboard made my eyes widen and my back shoot upwards. I didn't dare turn around, too afraid to see what was lurking behind me. The sound shuffled around the house towards the kitchen.
'The kitchen?...what does a ghost need in the kitchen'
I picked my scared body of the ground, Tannie left my huddled in my arms leaving me alone. Goosebumps lined my arms as I contemplated what to do. Should I call the boys?. No they need to know I'm a capable girl who doesn't need to be babied...even though I do like being babied. Getting closer to the kitchen, my feet sticking to the marbled floor and that was when I saw it.


"Where's Kitten?", I asked as Jimin returned from downstairs after watching a film. Hobi was cuddled underneath my arm, his body looking all snuggled and peaceful. "She wanted to stay up with Tannie, I think she is too scared to sleep", Jimin's words barely understandable as he yawned through the sentence. Limply, crawling into bed beside Hobi, Jimin spooned into him. In a normal time I would have gently cooed however I couldn't not think of   Y/N. "What film did you watch?", as I ran my free hand though Jimin's hair.

"The conjuring", his words slurring at the end hinting of his need for sleep. I rolled my eyes at the films name, bothered as to why they let her watch it.
'Good job Hobi didn't watch it'
'That would not be good'
I waited a few minutes for Jimin to finally knock out and drift into a snuggled sleep with Hobi. My princes. Shifting my legs, I walked out of bed and made my ways downstairs, cursing at the loud floor boards. I suspected Y/N would be in the kitchen so I make my way there first, however I was met with a empty kitchen.

"Maybe she went to bed?" I mumbled as I lent down to get a glass out the cupboard. But a loud shriek  prevented me from picking up the glass, instead dropping it onto the floor. "Shit!!", I shouted my head turning to the shriek and there I was met with a poor kitten crying and mumbling about not wanting a doll to eat her. A grin placed onto my face and I stepped over to glass to her. "Kitten" I cooed, "it's just me, a doll isn't going to get you silly" as I wiped her tears away with my thumb.

Her big round eyes tilted up to me and I felt her shoulders relax under me and she dived in to tight hug around my waist. My arms immediately placing around her. A weak giggled voice left her lips,

"Can I sleep with you Yoon...I'm scared"

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