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"Simple Y/ house"


Simple he said. And simple my ass JK. I knew in my mind that JK would be taking me somewhere however in my mind, that 'somewhere' was obviously not his house. My facial expression had deepened into a deep confused stare where my eyebrows creased against my forehead without me realising. The outside world was still sleeping as we drove past the thick woods and empty streets. The atmosphere of the car was relaxed and comforting due to low hun that was leaving the radio. My hand came up to face and I rested my chin on it, exhaustion taking over me from the day I had. My eyes where slowly giving up on me and who could blame them.

'Don't let your guard down Y/N'
'He is coming for you, he won't stop Y/N'

My eyes shot open once the small voice in my head appeared to break my peacefulness. JK seemed to realise my distress and he turned his head towards me, a strand of his falling out of his ponytail onto his long eyelashes. I couldn't bare to look any longer as I felt the heat rising to my face. I could tell he was about to say something however noting my tense shoulders he let it go and I was internally thankful. My social skills were clearly lacking and who could blame them. From the past that trailed behind me, I won't expect me to be able to have 'confidence'. Once again my eyes got the best of me, and I slowly felt myself slip of into a world far, far from dreamland.

Jungkooks POV~

I was about to ask the question that had been stirring in my head for the past 45 minutes of our journey, however before my voice broke the comfortable silence over us I realised. Y/N had fallen asleep. Who could blame her, from what I could tell she was exhausted and she deserved every bit of sleep she could get. My hand turned down the low hum of the radio that played through the car and now I drove in complete silence. Finding comfort in the slow deep breathes that Y/N was taking. When I had mentioned   that we was going to house, I couldn't help but awe at the look of confusion on Y/Ns face.

I had no where else to take her and I certainly wasn't going to drop her of outside a street corner. Her petite frame and Y/H/C would for sure attract dirty men in an instant. I couldn't help but feel protective of Y/N already and I have only known her for an hour, but my gut was telling me that I should keep her close house was a perfect place to stay for now. Lost in my thoughts, a deep sigh left Y/Ns mouth and at the sound of it , my heart began to flutter and a pinkish tint ran up my cheeks
"Cute" I muttered under my breath


A deep sigh left my mouth as I woke up from my nap to realise that I was still in the car with JK. My attention turned to JK to ask how long it would take however he seems so deep in thought, I don't want to disturb him. Just as I was about to continue on with my nap and sound left JKs lips.No, not a sound.A word. One single word.


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