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"These marks will look so pretty on bun"


I was laying outside in the garden enjoying the last moments of the sunrise. The sun was hitting my face, my eyes squinting with a smile. The sunrise was my favourite time of day and in the past month, this was something I hadn't had a chance to do. Sitting up, my mind begins to wonder.
' This is such a big garden'
' I love the nature, maybe Joonie can take me outside next week'

"Maybe I'm ready", I mumbled out as I grabbed my lemonade next to me. The sweet drink ran down my throat and I was finally beginning to feel relaxed. The delivery man issue forgotten from my mind for a while when I heard a scuttle in the bush opposite. Dropping my lemonade from my shock, a gasp left my mouth, my anxiety creeping around my heart. " Breathe Y/N, remember what Yoongi said, just breathe", pulling my hair into a ponytail for more comfort.

The noise died down for a minute, "it was just a bird Y/N", I giggled out, feeling stupid for getting so nervous over something so small. The wet patch soaking into the ground, "that was my last glass of lemonade as-well" I pouted. Hobi was the one who made the amazing drink and sadly he was at work today. At home today was Tae, Kook and Jimin but they were all sleeping in right now.

I had left my bed as soon as the sun rose wanting to see the sunrise from the garden and that was how I ended up drinking lemonade and having the sun shine on my face. I didn't have a phone so I guessed the time was now 10ish. Getting up from the ground once again to go inside, now bored without the lemonade when the same scuttle sound was heard.

"That cannot be bird, I know that for sure", my eyes met with the bush that was making the noises.
' Y/N, you are a grown ass women'
' Just go and check it out okay?'
' But if it is a dragon , don't blame me'
My inner conversation I was having with myself filling my head. My bare feet padded along the grass, still avoiding the wet, sticky patch of lemonade. The scuttle was getting louder and louder as I drew closer. "Hello?", I called out however, I knew I wasn't going to get an answer.

A brown ball moved quickly through the bush and a small eye was hidden behind a branch. My face scrunched up in confusion, my mind spinning trying to think of what could be brown and living in a bush. The brown ball was no larger than a football and the button nose peaked out of the bush. "You can come out, I'm not going to hurt you little guy", I knew immediately what was hidden in this bush. A puppy.
'Why is there a dog in a bush'
' I really love dogs, maybe I could get it out with a treat'
'Let me check the kitchen'

"Stay here little guy or girl, I dunno but just stay okay?", my hands lifting myself of the ground. Sliding open the door, I quickly ran to the kitchen. I was met to my surprise Tae and Jimin kissing. Tae pulled away blushing, clearing his throat "Morning Peanut,where have you been this morning?"." Morning!...um just in the garden, just need to get something be right back!" I said in 3 seconds trying to get my way to the pantry. "Found them", I whispered as I grabbed the dog treats in the bottom of the pantry. Hobi mentioned his mum had a dog and he keeps treats in the cupboards and that was where I was headed. Running back to the garden with the treats without a bye to the boys.


I immediately knew something was off with Luv. So far every morning, Y/N was calm and sleepy around us and never had she left the room without saying goodbye. Me and Tae looked each other in the eyes at a glance and followed Y/N into the garden. "What do you think she's doing?", Tae's deep morning voice rumbled from beside me.

"I dunno, but she is squatting in-front of the bush", I chuckled out resting my head on his shoulder. Tae had been with Kook last night and I had missed him. His deep wood scent eased my morning aches. All of sudden Y/N stood up and turned around and to our surprise. She had a puppy in her arms. A puppy. The smile on her face lit up as she saw my shocked face,

"Look Chim! It's a puppy can we keep it?!"

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