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"Yeah...were not straight kitten"


My cheeks continued to glow redder and redder. My whole body grew tense at the atmosphere. Hobi and Yoongi still huddled together on the sofa. The image was cute and cosy and longed to sit with them. However they were already in a relationship and I only knew them for a day!. "Ah that's so cute" I commented to break the silence. A gummy smile was pulled from Yoongis lips and a heart shaped formed on Hobi, their happiness made me blush even more red than I knew. "Thats great Y/N, thank you for excepting all of us".
'All of us?'
'Is there another relationship in this house?'

My brows furrowed again and and a snicker was heard from Jinnie. "Ahhh...this is awkward", as Jinnie walked over to Joonie and kissed him on the lips. My eyes widened even more and I looked over to kook. But before my eyes, he was back hugging Jimin in his large embrace. Suddenly my mind clicked and I gave eye contact. "Jinnie?" I timidly asked, "yes button?". The nickname rolling of his tongue like natural, "Are you guys ALL dating?". I asked the question however I already knew the answer. It made me happy to know they all loved each other very much, however a slight tinge of jealousy grew within me as I wanted to be loved that much.

They all nodded their heads as an answer. I hummed a understanding and sat down next to Tae. His arm wrapped around my waist and a peck was placed on my forehead. I liked the skin ship I was given due to my neediness after seeing the boys all hugging. Kookie came over and bent down to my level. "You don't mind us all dating?", his voice wavering a little, "No, I think it's amazing you all share the same amount of love". I was surprised at the words I had spoken.
'Wow...I could be a poet'

I giggled at my thoughts and Yoongi left Hobis embrace and ran over to me from his spot on the sofa. "And what is my kitten giggling at hmmm?", his hand wrapping around my arms and tickling me. Before I knew it everyone was bundled over me, tickling me to death. "AHHH....S-S-STOP....AHHH" I laughed out loud, trying too wriggle from there embrace. Just as a stitch was about to form, Jinnie reached over and hauled me from the bundle of gods.

"Don't kill my Button guys!!!" Jinnie straightened out my hair and pecked my forehead. "I'm okay Jinnie!", my tone of voice the clearest it has been since I have met them. These boys made me confident and happy and I loved it.


My button exused herself to go to the bathroom and I noticed as she walked away, all of my soulmates watched her with sparkly eyes.
'Aish... already falling for her'
'I bet she has already fallen for me'
'I'm worldwide handsome'
A warm arm slipped around my waste and I recognised it immediately. "You okay Hobi?" As pecked his temple. A low hum left his mouth as he stayed glued to my back. Hobis hugs were always something I craved. Walking back over to the sofa I moved Hobi round to sit next to me and turned on the TV.

"Hyung....can I ask you guys something?" Kook spoke over the cooking show playing. Everyone turned their heads and played close attention to him. Kook normally keeps his feelings hidden so him asking us something was a big deal. "Anything baby" Joon said turning the volume down.

"Is it bad that I have boyfriends but would like to add a girlfriend?"

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