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" I'm ready to tell you about myself"


The following 2 weeks past quickly, after Sweetheart had told us about her past. That night was filled with cuddles, tears and scrunched up knuckles. The pain after she told us what had happened to her flooded through me and numbness followed after with anger that hit like a wave. The articles I had read on her had supported this but I didn't want to believe she was beaten and abused for 4 years whilst we sat here merrily not knowing. Jin had told me how could we have know her when she was 14 and I knew he was being logical but I still couldn't get guilt to leave my heavy shoulders. None of us could.

The past 2 weeks, Y/N had stayed in doors not feeling safe enough to go outside, too scared of the thought of meeting her step father. I understood but we all yearned to take her to the wonders of the world and spoil her but for now the spoiling was done on Amazon. Jimins arm wrapped around my waist tighter as he napped on my lap in the car ride home. Kook was sitting in front on his phone, no doubt texting Tae to see how Y/N was. "Are we nearly home yet?". Jimin said through a yawn as he sat up his head from my lap.

"Not really, there is a lot of traffic", Jin said as he sat with his hands on the wheel. The past week we had been taking it turns to go into work, too worried to leave Sweetheart alone by herself at home, not that it mattered as we owned out own company we controlled our work days. Jimin laid his head back on my lap.
' Reminder not to forget Jimins coffee in the morning'
' My poor baby is so tired' My suit crinkled from his head nuzzling into my lap but I simply ignored it and continued to stroke my thumb up and down his nose bridge. This always seemed to help him fall asleep, It was one of the tricks I had learnt after the 3 years of dating. "Aww, Tae just sent a pic of Bun sleeping on the couch", immediately Jimin jumped from my lap, "I wanna see her Kook, let me see". Kook just busted out laughing, "I have never seen you move so quick babe, at least that woke you up!" he squeaked out amongst his laughs.

Jimins shoulders slumped, "nice try kook, but that means no cuddles for the rest of the week", he turned back to my body and leaned into it, a smug look on his face. "He has you there JK" I hummed out as I looked out the window, my dimples showing on my face. "Hyung!!, that's not was only a joke", Kook pleaded out as he turned round in his seat gain. Jin just tsked at him and he returned back to facing the front, a playful glint in his dark brown eyes I adored.


I turned back round in my seat facing the front with a big pout on my lips. Jimins kisses where one of a kind and could not have that for a whole week. "Come on Kook, I'm sure Y/N wont want to see you walk in with pout now do we?", Jin said as he muddled with the radio. I turned my body to look out the dusk-setting sky. The mix of red and oranges bought a glint in my eyes. Jin had put on the radio, and the song playing was 'Lauv- Tattoos together' and my head without noticing nodded along to the tune. Random thoughts swarmed in my head as I stared out.
' I need to add this song to Buns playlist, she would like this song'
' I wonder if we can order take out tonight?'

Jin pulled the keys out of the car and hoped out on the other side of me. Straightening out my suit jacket, I also got out off the car, walking faster to be the first to the door. This was always my favorite part to my day, because a little bun always had a huge grin over her face when we came in. It pleased me to see her so okay with us after nearly 3 weeks and I wouldn't want it anyway. I pulled my key outs and opened the door, Jin's hand slipping into mine behind me. As expected as soon the door pushed open my Bun ran up to us and shouted with a light giggle,


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