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"So ...what's your name?"


His question took me by shock as normally no stranger would be to bothered about finding out each others name, however this man couldn't be classed as a stranger now, could he?. The man has helped me through my panic attack and also stopped his car in the middle of the night to help a girl. However now that I say that to myself...should I tell him my name?.

'What if he is a murderer?'
'What if he wants to eat me?'
'What if he wants to sell me on the black market?'

Okay, now I'm being dramatic Y/N. Inhaling a large breathe, I slowly let it out again and opened my mouth to speak when a loud crack of thunder echoed through the sky. My body flinched from the sound and a large wave of the anxiety flooded my head again. From the look of his face, the man could tell that I was frightened as my eyes felt large and mouth was turned into a sad,pulled down expression. He stepped towards me and picked me up, this time I didn't react as i simply was too frozen in fear to move. I felt the soft cushioning of the car underneath my huddled body and the shutting of the door to my left.

The car had a soft, honey smell to it and I calmed down to it almost immediately. However my muscles were still on high alert. The opening of the drivers door alerted me back to reality once again. And at this moment I finally noticed this man in true light and my did I take a double take. His brown, soft eyes looked at me with fondness, his fluffy long hair pulled back into a man bun highlighted his strong jawline and his lips. Oh, his lips were pouted out and strangely reminded me of .. of .. of a bunny in some ways.

'I'm in a car, with a man who looks like a bunny'

The thought of that made me subconsciously giggle and then I turned back to front window not to show the man I had let my guard down. He could still be a murderer, you never know !!.

"So what's your name again? ...I'm Jungkook but you can call me JK if you like" the words left the man who I know was called 'JK' now.
"Um ..."
"I get it, I'm stranger and you don't want to tell me your name but I can promise you I won't sell you on the black market" JK warned.
"Aha..yeah sorry about that...my names Y/N" I whispered still scared to fully trust this 'JK'
"How old are you by the way" he asked
"19... what about you"
"Seems like I'm your oppa!"

I gave him a hard stare that clearly sent him the message I wasn't calling anyone the name 'Oppa' and thankfully he took that stare and his soft eyes widened and glanced back at the black and foggy round. After a minute of pure silence and only sound of thunder in the distance, we began to speak again.

"I'm 22 so not much difference between us then" he smiled
"Y Y Yeah and can I ask you where are we going" I stuttered out.

At that JK immediately slammed on the breaks and turned his head towards me and I leaned back against the window to make space for the atmosphere that was slowly filling up the car. The bunny toothed boy turned on the car once again with no answer to my question and I started to get irritated. I asked the question again and finally he answered.

"Simple Y/N...my house"

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