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"Can I sleep with you Yoon...I'm scared"


" Of course Kitten, come on then", as Yoongi stroked a hand through my hair. A light layer of sweat had gathered along my hairline due to my stressing. "What about the smashed glass?", I murmured out as I stepped back from his hold. "Ah...I forgot about that, give me a second kitten" as he bent down to sweep up the shattered glass of the now broken glass.
'Hmm, let me be useful'
'Where is the broom kept?'

"Where is the broom Yoongi Oppa?", as I padded across the kitchen. The cold tiles made me feel more awake however I looked forward to sleeping and having any daily dose of cuddles. From behind me I heard Yoongi picking up the glass and opening the bin, "I think it's in the bottom drawer" he huffed out. "Okay...aha found it!", starting to sweep up the glass. Finally we finished sweeping up the shards and I collapsed my sleep deprived body into his steady hold. "Let's get to bed Kitten, hmm?", as he leaded me up the stairs.
'I can't wait to have some sleep'
'And I'm protected from that creepy doll'
'Yoongi to save the day!'

"I'm gonna brush my teeth, you get comfy in bed", Yoongi mumbled as he strode into the bathroom. Slipping into the cold sheets, the coolness making me shiver. I had grown to love the feeling of new sheets since coming here and meeting everyone. I had never had the luxury of this when I ... lived with him and now I couldn't get enough. My mind recently kept travelling back to him, my fear coming and going but that sense of dread always staying in the corner of mind. I just wanted it all to stop and  to continue living a simple life with the boys. I was snapped out of my thoughts at Yoongi creeping into bed with me.

"You okay Kitten, you seemed to be in a trance", he hummed as he pulled the covers closer up to my chin as he spooned me from behind.
'Always big spoon material'
"Yeah, trying not to think about the movie", I giggled out the lie not wanting to bring up the topic of my past after a nice day. He just hummed as he nuzzled his nose into my neck, "sleep well Kitten, don't worry darling I'm here". His words comforted me and I let my head rest heavily against the pillows as I fell into a dreamless sleep.


The sunlight broke through my curtains as I cuddled closer to the body of warmth next to me. A stray hair tickled my nose, scrunching my nose to move it away. However it came back to my irritation. A large hand ran through my locks, "good morning my love", Jungkook's deep morning voice rumbled through my chest. "What time is it?", as I sat up to lean on his naked chest. "Only 9 baby, you hungry?", his hand now stroking my peck in slow strokes.
'What is my man up to?'
'Food or sex?'
'Yep...food it is!'

"Kook, as much as I would love to go for a round, I think I can small Jins's delicious food...so I think I'm gonna go with option 2", I cheekily smiled up at him. His large doe eyes widening as my statement and the his lips colliding with mine. The kiss was sweet and hungry but I wasn't having it. Teasing him, biting his lip as I pulled away mid kiss, Kooks head leaning forward as I pulled away. "Babyyy, are you sure?", his whine pulling my heart strings however I stayed strong.

Picking up my shorts, forgetting about my shirt I pulled Kook out of bed with me. "Come on, let's see is Luv is up yet", using Y/N as bait to get him to move quicker. "Now that Foxy, is one way to get me up and moving", his laugh filled the room with the sunlight.
'I wonder how she coped with the film'
'I know Yoongi left before I left to sleep with Kook when I got scared'
I moved over to the bathroom to fix our hair as looks arms wrapped around my waist. "So why did you come visit me last night, hm?" as he rubbed small circles on my hips. "Well Yoon went to see Luv, and I got scared without him so I went to find you...you make me feel safe" as I whispered the last part. My cheeks blushing red.

I could feel the ego of Kook boost behind me as in the mirror his face angled into a smile. His face gathered into my neck, his breaths tickling me as I giggled. "Stop Kook, let's go and eat something...if your lucky I might stay with you tonight". Trying my best at flirting with Kook was hard as he was always the dom and me the sub.
'No one can outdom Kook'
'Not even Yoon'

We made it downstairs after our bathroom events and the smell of waffles filled our noses. We was met with all the boys but one and a special girl. Sitting next to Joon, kissing his cheek "where is luv?" stuffing some of his waffle in my mouth.
'Oo, chocolate chip'
'Good choice Hyung'
"I think Yoon and Sweetheart are sleeping as they didn't sleep till 1 apparently" as he continued to eat the left over waffle thanks to me. As I was about to offer to wake them, Y/N rounded the corner with sleepy eyes and oversized hoodie on her figure,

"Morning my lovelies"

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