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"We will take care of you sweetheart"


By the time Y/N had stopped crying, she had fallen asleep in Joons arms. The sight was adorable however we didn't want her to get stiff. Joon went to go lay her in my room for some sleep. I walked into the living room to see my boyfriends.

Me and the boys had been friends since we was babies and we done everything together. Once Tae had started growing feelings, that was when we decided to make an poly. It has been going strong for 3 years now and I wouldn't want it any other way. But this pull I'm feeling to Y/N makes me question my feelings for her. My train of thought led me to sit beside Jimin and scoop him in to a cuddle. My hands ran through his hair as I felt my muscles relax after the mental 24 hours I have had. "You okay baby?" Yoongi passed by on his way to the fridge, "just tired and stressed for Y/N, I mean where do you get bruises like that?" I questioned whilst pecking Jimin on the lips.

"Do you think...maybe she was abused?" Tae spoke with gentleness not wanting to upset anyone with his choice of words. Joon had arrived from my room and plonked himself next to Jin with his head in his lap. "It's possible but lets tread lightly around sweetheart", Jin tapped him on the forehead. "Ow what-" "I though we was your sweethearts"Jin said. Instead Joon just kissed him on the lips and carried on talking. Jin sat back with a red hue on his cheeks.
"Yh...what's with the nicknames?" Hobi sat up with an odd look on his face. "Babe, you have a nickname for her aswell you know" Jimin snickered next to me.
"Wait, raise your hand if you have a nickname for   Y/N already?".

Along with my question, I looked around the room and the hands raised. "Right everyone say the nickname cause this will get confusing" whilst I raised my hand. Jimin looked up to me as he was still bundled up and bashfully whispered "luv". Namjoon shrugged his shoulders "sweetheart' , Yoongi looked half asleep but mumbled out "kitten". Nodding my head, "I call her Bun" , the rest of the boys awed at everyone's nicknames and knew there was more to come.

Jimins head felt heaving on my shoulder and I stopped moving my fingers in his hair to notice he had fallen asleep. His cute pout was opened slightly and eyebrows soft and relaxed. He was an angel. A large blanket was wrapped around the back of the sofa so I picked it up and layed it over us. The exhaustion of the day had caught up to me and my eyes slowly shut and I didn't protest. A small "goodnight" was heard from a sleepy Jin as we all slowly got the sleep we deserved.


The boys had all fallen asleep. Jimin and JK were all cuddled up with a thick blanket over them, Yoongi and Hobi were in the armchair and had managed to squish each-other together, and Jin was laying on my lap. As much as I wanted to fall asleep too with the loves of my life. I couldn't. My mind needed to know what Y/N was hiding.

Luckily for us, we had the resources that would allow us to help sweetheart. We all worked hard to get us to where we are today and I would love to give back to Y/N. The way her cheeks glowed red from the tears and her small body wrapped in mine screamed 'I need some tender, love and care' and that's what will give her. I walked over silently to my office and got to work. My eyes grew larger at the sight of Y/Ns backgrounds.

'Local girl shot and mother murdered in shooting'
'1 dead and 2 severely injured in raid'
'Mother of 1 left only child in care of step-father after death'
All these titles of the articles and my eyes watered at the past. I couldn't read it anymore. It hurt to much. I logged off and as I was about to open my door. It slightly opened and a small, scared girl was standing there.

"Joonie...I had a nightmare"

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