Jealous (18+)

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SMUT WARNING you can skip if you would like it doesn't change the plot xoxo

"I'm better than okay"


"You what?!", I screeched pulling away from Jungkooks chest. After the film, we all returned to our bed saying goodnight. Y/N was sleeping with Jimin tonight, so I took kook to my bed. Me and kook were snuggled underneath the thick blankets, giving occasional kisses. "She leaned as well, and it was amazing Tae.", Kook explained the kiss and its happening. Immediately a pout formed on my face making Kook laugh. "Ahh, Is my Tae bear jealous?", I rolled away from him pretending to not hear.
' I'm not jealous'
' I just wanted to be her first kiss in the relationship' 
'I'm gonna make Peanut like my kisses more'                                                                     

'I have an idea for kook first though'
A lustful grin spread on my face, luckily Kook couldn't see that as I was still had my back to him. Kooks fingers traced lines along my bare back. Sleeping without a shirt on was normal in this household apparently. His fingers traced the curve of my ass and back up to my neck. "TaeTae, you know Kook loves your kisses so much right?", The nickname making butterflies form in my stomach. I kept my mouth shut, although moans threatened to escape me. His long slender fingers tugged at the end of my hair pulling my neck back. "Are we ignoring Kookie?", Kookie's eyes held a lust and a hint of annoyance.

My revenge was working clearly as Kook hated it when I ignored him, especially in bed. The annoyance that grew in his eyes made me want to continue more on with my plan. I knew eventually  would give up to his touches but I would see how long we could both last. Pulling my body to face underneath him, Kook hovered over me holding both my wrist down. My stomach exploded with eagerness. "I know what your doing Baby, It wont work this time Sweetcheeks", my smirk dropped immediately.
' I'm gonna be sore tomorrow, I know that for sure'  
' One day, I will get to Dom him out'

"Just fuck me already", the words slipped out of me before I could think. Kook's eyes widened a little, however he returned back to his sexy glare. His head leaned down to my ear, biting the lobe making me release a heavy sigh. "Say please Baby", His hand slowly dipping down into my boxers. A strangled moan was heard from me as he grabbed my hard length in his hand and started to pump slightly. "Kook-ah", I breathed out, sweat forming on my forehead and Kook's. "Those aren't the magic words Baby", he gripped me harder making eyes roll back. "Please, ah please kook-ah, fuck-ah- already", I managed to get out and in flash Kook was naked and so was I.

He pumped his length into me from behind. my eyes flickering and seeing stars. The pain was subtle but still there however pleasure washed over me in a instant. "So good Baby, so good for me", Kook puffed out as he frusted harder into me. I was speechless so instead a , "Agh-hmpff" was said instead. A warm feeling was spread and I knew I was gonna come soon. "Gonna come untouched baby?", Kook panted, his thrusts were getting sloppier nearing his high. "Yes-aha-y-yes", our pace meeting the same, "Come with me TaeBear". We came to pour high together, euphoria hitting us and Kook gently rolled of me.

Cleaning me and himself up Kook put the warm towel back into the bathroom, walking back to the bed. "Speaking to me now?", he questioned whilst wrapping us tighter in the blankets. "You know I am", I chuckled and my eyes getting heavier with exhaustion. "Night baby", Kook whispered in my ear, spooning me closer to him. My body tingled with joy and happiness at this evening events.


Tae's eyes got heavier and heavier and slowly his breathing evened out telling me he was asleep. His face looked so peaceful as he drew breathes in and out, taking my breathe away with him. The moonlight was shining down on the bed, slightly gliding over his chiseled jaw. His neck scattered with love bites that I proudly had created.                                                                        
"These marks will look so pretty on Bun"

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