Dreams 18+

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Guys this will be a Smutty chapter you can skip if you want too :) it wont affect the the storyline at all I just thought some of my readers would enjoy a touchy scene ;) Thank you so much for reading this chapter includes mini threesome, yoonminhope XOXOX

- Sadie xxxx

"Thank you for excepting me"


Yoongi pulled me up from the sofa and Hobi went and got a glass of water from the kitchen. My hoodie had swallowed me whole as it had previously been Tae but I'm not called foxy for no reason...im just really sneaky. I watched as Hobi walked away into the kitchen, his shirt clung to his lean back muscles and his long legs strides out. I didn't realise I was staring till Yoongi circled around my small waist and leant his head on my shoulder. "What are you staring at foxy?" he smugly asked already knowing the awnser. My cheeks blazed red and I had been caught in the act. "Mm...nothing, now can we go to bed now?" as I circled round to face him.

Yoongi's eyes held a subtle passion in the brown orbs. I had always loved his eyes. So innocent however at night they held a strong pull of lust in them that drew me in every time. He tilted his head as to show me a smug look of his face. I leaned in for a kiss, however I was graced with not my boyfriends lips but a hand. I drew back in confusion and realized Yoongi had put his hand to my mouth. "What are you doing Foxy,hmmm?", Yoongi rubbed at my waist in a taughting manner. "All i wanted was a kiss.." I mumbled as I drew back from him. A teasing Yoongi always meant a lustful and edging night for me. I always enjoyed it with yoongi but right now a small kiss coudlnt hurt.

Before I could lean back in, Hobi had arrived back from the kitchen and was leaning against the door frame. "Is Yoongi not giving you any kisses Minnie?" Hobi mimicked in a pout.          'God my boyfriends are such a tease'
I rolled my eyes and walked over to Hobi thinking he would at least give in to my neediness. But before I could even open my arms for a hug, Hobi stepped back and a smirk painted his face. "Im sorry Minnie but I have water in my hand, I cant do anything, wouldn't want me to spill anything...would we?". "Aghhh, this is unfairrrr", I leant my head on the door frame and allowed Yoongi to grab my hand and pull me towards his bedroom. Walking in I pulled off my hoodie and sweatpants and crawled into the crisp, clean bedsheets. Taking a deep breathe to smell the scent of pine needles, of my yoongi. Curling up into the sheets, trying to fall asleep when I felt a body press up against my back. "Is my baby not needy anymore hmm?", my eyes stayed shut in a protest to please Hobi, but all i wanted to do was kiss him deeply.

"Oh Foxy, I'm sorry but I wanted to wait till we hade some...privacy", the passion that laced Yoongis tone made core tighten with need. My eyes sprung open to the feeling of Hobis hand trail down the front of my boxer and stayed there. Yoongis lips found mine in a matter of seconds and we dived in to the kiss. It was hot and steamy and everything I had wanted. A moan left my abused, swollen lips when I felt Hobi palm me through my boxers. "You like that Baby Boy?". All I could do was nod my head against Yoongi's shoulder as he was now laying by my side. Hobi increased his actions and slowly his hand dipped in and starting jerking off my dick. The pleasure I felt was immense as I sucked love bites onto Yoongis neck. I was in heaven when the feeling in my stomach had become warm and I came all over Hobis hand.

"this is gonna be a long night"

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