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"My silly girl Y/N"


Me and Kook walked off into Jimins room to continue playing the game on his phone. I placed my head on Kooks leg whilst he braided his fingers trough my hair. The feeling made me take a sigh and my muscles relax. I don't think we have any plans today but I would like to hang out with Y/N for a bit. Y/N seemed close with everyone else but me and I think that's because I can distant sometimes and that's because I don't want to get hurt.

The boys were my safe haven and all of a sudden having a new person to our love was scary. However that doesn't stop me from loving Y/N anymore than them. Kooks hand stopped playing with my hair so I looked up with a scrunched brow and a hmpff. "Sorry Baby but Jimin needs me to defeat this level", as he was focusing on the screen.

I continued to lay on his lap for a little bit and got a little bored. Kook and Jimin where's till trying to defeat hat level so I left them to it . Placing a kiss on both there foreheads, I left the room in search for my next snuggle victim.
' Hmmm, maybe Joon?'                                            
' Wait, what about Y/N?'                                              I smiled at the idea, this was perfect. I can snuggle and spend time with Y/N. Sometimes I think I'm smarter than Joon. Walking down the corridor, I looked into the sitting room and only to find Jin watching a cooking show and Joon still reading that book. "Have you guys seen Y/N?", I asked as I walked through towards the games room. "No babe but I think she was with Hobi and Yoongi", Jin mumbled out as his eyes were still glued to the TV screen. "Okay thank you, old man", I giggled out as I ran towards the games room. From behind me I heard Jin, "Yah, TaeTae do you really think I'm Old?!.

I stopped running and settled for a slow walk as I entered the room. My smile fell once again when the room was empty.
' We really need to downsize to a smaller house'        'The games room was Kooks idea and he's not even in here'                                                 "
"Where could they be? The garden maybe or the studio perhaps?", I said aloud as I once again went on my mission to find Y/N. Passing the kitchen, I grew hungry and was about to grab a banana milk. I know there for Kook but this is revenge for not touching my hair.                                 
' In your face Bunny Man'                                                                                                                                Just as I walked to the fridge from the corner of my eye that was when I realized 3 figures sat at the dining table. My targets have been found. However Y/N looked flushed and her cheeks held tear marks and that was when my possessiveness took hold of me.

Marching over to them I pulled Y/N from Yoongi's lap and I held her next me. "Yah!!, What did you do to upset my peanut?", the nickname slipped passed through me without my notice. Y/N just giggled and smiled, she patted my cheek, "Its okay TaeTae, it was my fault, we're all good now", my arms still wrapped around her waist just for the comfort. A simple "Oh" was heard from me . Hobi appeared with a glass of water and a smile from seeing me appear. "Hey Babies, I had an idea, lets go for lunch at a local café". Me and Yoongi nodded at the idea, the cafés round here were ridiculously cute and I knew peanut deserved a treat after the past few hectic days.

Y/Ns POV~    

The ide of going to a café with the boys filled my heart with excitement. In my 20 years of life, I had only gone to a café once or twice and I never got to eat the cakes. But I had to find mind over matter for this occasion. Whilst in this house, it could all be puppies and rainbows but outside of this house was a world of danger for me. I could never forget the reason I had ran away from him and I knew he would searching for me. And he wouldn't stop till he found me. My shoulders tensed at the idea of leaving and going outside and Tae noticed. Spinning me around he pulled my eye contact to his,

" Peanut, I think we need a talk"

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