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"How did he know my name, if the order was placed in the name of 'Jin' "


A chill ran up my back after Y/N spoke. I wanted to tell myself that she was being silly and really he said Jin but I knew in my heart that it wasn't true. My eyes looked around the dinner table passing everyone's eyes. I sent the signal before anyone spoke with the eyes of 'act calm, we don't want to freak her out'. "Kitten, it was probably a mistake you know? Now let's eat some good food okay?", as I sat her down on the chair next to me and Hobi. "I guess your right", Kitten said as I felt her relax under me. "Baby, I forget the chopsticks can you come help me in the kitchen?", Jimin called over across as he stood up from his chair, eyes locking with mine.

Nodding as I stood, placing a kiss on Joons head as I passed. Jimin was stood by the sink, hunched over with his hand raking through his hair. "Do you think its just a coincidence babe? Cause I don't think I do", he said reaching for the chopsticks. "Hey, hey sweets, Its all gonna be okay, hmm", as I walked over to him placing his face in my hands. His soft mochi like cheeks, waiting for me to peck them. I pressed a comforting kiss onto his pouted lips, hoping it would clear the pout. And for a moment it did. "We will talk to the boys later, Lets have a nice evening first". We walked out the kitchen, hand in hand, Jimin still coated with a pink blush. ' 'Aish, nearly 4 years and he still blushes at my kisses'
' I love these boys so much' ' And my kitten, she's ours not her fucked up step dads'

"You took forever slow pokes, the food is gonna get cold", Y/N dragged out the d at the end of her sentence to enhance her fake annoyance. But it just made her look more cute. "Yeah Hyung, hurry up I'm hungryyyy", Tae joining in on the pout fest. "Aish, calm down we are her now, now eat". We finished the Food and had gathered back at on the sofa with a random Netflix film playing in the background. Tae and Jin snuggled up next to me and wrapped up in blanket we got from the Alps last year on our ski trip.
' I wonder if Kitten would like to go there?'


Y/N was snuggled up to my chest, watching the film with wide eyes. The small glint they held made me want to look forever. A small sneeze was heard from her, however she carried on with watching the film. "You okay Bun?", I asked tilting her head up towards me for eye contact. Our eyes met and her face immediately flushed a light pink. Mine and her face were close up, our nose basically touching. No words were spoke and in that moment I went with it. I pulled my lips towards hers and leaned into the kiss. All my love was put into it and could feel Y/Ns too.

The feather like peck was growing into a longer kiss and I didn't want it to end. Her soft lips felt like electricity on mine and I wanted nothing more than to make her mine on this sofa at this very moment but I didn't want to scare her. We pulled away and it felt like everyone in the room had disappeared. It was just me and my Bun. A smile tugged at my lips and so did Y/Ns, the blush on her cheeks more prominent. She was panting a bit from the kiss.
' Wow, I guess I went strong on that'
' I need to do this more often'

Cupping her cheek, my thumb tracing up and down on here cheek. "You okay now Bun?", I asked. All she did was stare up at me with love and passion in her eyes.

"I'm better than okay"

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