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My Princess ran towards Kook and embraced him a massive hug. A smile immediately creeped onto my face as Ii waited my turn with the princess. "How was your day princess?", I asked as Y/N finally pulled of Kook and reached for me. Her scent of strawberries and cream filled my nose.                ' Hmm, I think she washed her hair'
' I will get Yoongi to plait her hair later' "Mhm, Me and Tae watched a film, me and Yoongi planted some flowers and i also washed my hair", she sounded muffled sue to her nose being pushed into my chest. "Wow, that sounds fun Luv", Jimin had finally walked in, pulling Y/N away from me.

My day had been stressful and hectic because of the new interns we had hired. The business we ran was one the largest in South Korea and we had built it from the ground. We had yet to tell Y/N what business we ran, only because we didn't want to scare her with the importance. Bangtan Hits, was a music industry business that supplied goods for producing and entertainment to company's over the globe. The boys and me were all owners and share holders of the company leading us to have a well earned income. This job was our dreams and adding Y/N to the mix would be amazing. "Lets go and get changed babe", Kook pulled on my hand as we walked up the stairs.

Unbuttoning my shirt and pants, I walked over to my wardrobe. Pulling a casual hoodie and sweatpants on, I plugged my phone on charge and headed back downstairs. To my surprise, I was the first one ready from being changed so I headed to the kitchen. The silence of the kitchen I had to myself didn't last long as Tae and Y/N walked in a fit of giggles. His boxy grin was large and made me flush with adoration. "And what are these 2 lemons doing in my kitchen, Hmm?", leaning on the countertop.

I got no response and still could only hear the fit of giggles they were in. I opened my mouth to ask the question again, however before I could Joon walked into the kitchen with flour poured all over him. Flour on a semi naked Joon. I couldn't stop a giggle leaving my lips. "Not you too Jin", Joon shouted in embarrassment. By this time. Y/N and Tae were in a heap of laughs on the floor. "What happened to you Honey?", I managed to say without stopping by a laugh. Joon's face relaxed from the scowl to a mono tone expression, sending eye daggers over to the ball of laughs on the floor.


~ 5 Minutes ago~

I walked into my bathroom, the steam surrounding me and clearing senses. The smell of the lavender steamer I had turned on had stared to waft around the room. Stripping of my clothes, I stepped into the shower, the water hitting my skin. My muscles relaxed and the stress of the day melted away with it.
' I really fancy some Chinese food' ' Those interns really need to pick up there act at work'
' I need to water my plum plant after this, don't forget Joon' Random thoughts entered my mind, carelessly taking the stress of the day away. My stomach grumbled at the thought of Chinese food, the spring rolls, the chowme-

Before i could finish the food porn going on in my mind, my mouth salivating, I heard the door to my bathroom open. My head turned to the sound however I was unbothered, Jimin normally enjoyed showering with me but he normally tells me before. "Jimin baby, is that you?", I called out still in the midst of washing my body. I was met with silence apart from the shower. "Baby?", I asked again. Still no answer. That was when I heard sweethearts giggles. My body froze, because Y/N hasn't even kissed one of us yet, let alone seen us naked. "Sweetheart, what are you doing?", But I was still met with no answer.

I was about to turn off the shower, when a dust cloud of smoky, white flour poured on top of me. Tae's laugh was heard for the first time in that moment and I knew he had been pranked. Not thinking, I grabbed a towel, wrapped it round my waist and fled to follow the two monkeys.

~Back to present time~

I took the towel that Jin had passed to me, wiping off the flour and water away from my face. Sweetheart had managed to get up from the floor, not giving eye contact, the same as Tae, I was about to lecture them when Hobi walked in.

"Who fancies take- wow Joon what happened Baby?"

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