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"The boys"


'The boys?!. Well black market here I come'

I thought to myself, JK looked at me with a glint of hopefulness in his eyes telling me to trust him. After everything he has done for me, I might as well see who these boys are. I start to get my body from being in the cramped car and walked out. The cold air ran through my body creating a layer of goosebumps to form. I had just realised the clothes I was wearing were not fit for the all. The oversize purple t shirt stuck to my body due to the dampness, highlighting my fragile form.

Pulling the shirt closer to my body to create more warmth, I felt a soft fabric being wrapped round my shoulders. On instinct, I slowly realised , JK had put his coat around me. My eyes travelled to his hand that was reaching towards me, welcoming me.
'Um should I take it?,is that the nice thing to do?'
I wrapped my hand round his, admiring the tattoos delicately places on each knuckle. What had seemed to be mushes of ink turned to be letters?.

"Ready to go in? You must be freezing Y/N" JK said as he slowly pulled me up the steps to the large house. I stayed silent, letting my body follow him behind. His hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys and placed them in the lock. A squeeze of reassurance was placed around my hand, telling me it would all be okay...and I greatly accepted the gesture.

We both reached down to take of our shoes which mine were thick with mud and worn through. On the other hand JKs combat boots looked new and heavy and complemented his styl-
'Y/N, now is not the time to be drooling over his fashion sense!!'
'Your about to be put on the black market!!'
Inhaling a deep breathe, we both walked through the large hallway. The house was beautiful and modern.

The large staircase was glass and polished.The colour scheme to the walls was a natural grey however showed lightness. The rest of the rooms were shrouded in darkness due to our time of arrival at 1:30am. Just as we turned that corner, entering what looked like to be the kitchen that is when I noticed the boys. And then did I realise that maybe the black market wasn't my fate after all.


I looked at the boys I had grown up with all seated around the kitchen. My eyes straight away led to Yoongi as I knew he would be best with Y/N. He had a sense of calmness around him which i figured could be passed on. We all stood and sat in silence for a solid few seconds until I cleared my throat and gave the boys 'you dare say anything I will get holly on you' face. They seemed to have caught on to the girl that was clinging to my arm, shaking like a leaf and there expressions remained...normal actually.

Yoongi was the first to walk towards us and Y/N moved further behind me. It hurt me to see Yoongis glazed over eyes, taking in what Y/N looked like. I knew she wasn't in the best of states but his gaze made me feel even more protective. Before he spoke another word, I spun round to Y/N and took her face in my hands. Taking note that it seemed to relax her.

"Y/N this is Yoongi...he knows how you feel right now so there is no need to be scared
The rest of the boys are very kind so no need to worry, let's know there name and then we can go to bed, how does that sound?" I whispered in her ear, knowing that the promise of sleep would make anything worth it. Y/N nodded and stepped in front of me and lifted a small wave and tiny "hi" to the boys.

"Hi I'm Yoongi, nice to meet you"
"Hi I'm jiminie!!"
"I'm Jin, but call me jinnie"
"The names Namjoon sweetheart"
"I'm your hope..J-HOPE!!"
The loudness of hobis voice scared Y/N which lead to a chuckle leaving everyone's mouth but mine and hers. My protectiveness was still on alert and her shudder kept me grounded. I placed my hand on the small of her back and without saying bye, lead her to my room.

"I can sleep on the couch if you like or I can share with you?"

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