The Boys

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I stopped the car, having finally arrived back at my house, or should I say our house?. I stretched my back out and clicked my shoulders expecting Y/N to do the same however no movement was returned.

'Is she still asleep?'
'Should I wake her up...what if she freaks out?'
'It will be fine'
'No jk, it won't be'

I mentally had a battle with myself deciding on what to with the sleeping beauty. Either way I would have to get her out of the car and into a bed otherwise she would wake up with a body shaped like a pretzel from being so twisted together. In that moment, I decided to wake her up slowly, not wanting to frighten her away from me. I felt pretty proud that she had let her walls down by sleeping in the car and I did not want to fuck this trust up. Something tells me that this girl has some pretty thick trust walls to break.

I looked down at my watch and saw that the time was 1:30am and already knew that the boys would bite my head off if I walk in now without some sort of text saying 'hey guys I have a random girl with me don't freak out'. Not the best wording but I'm trying here. Letting Y/N have extra minutes of dreamland, I pulled out my phone and entered my group chat.
           Jungkook broke my Mario figure

<jk entered the chat>
<jinnie entered the chat>
<jiminie entered the chat>
<hobi entered the chat>
<joon entered the chat>
<yoongi entered the chat>
<tae entered the chat>

Yoongi: Oh so he is alive

Hobi: JK!!!! We thought u died

Tae: true words

Jiminie: hiiii :3

Jinnie: Jungkook u better get your ass home

Joon: jk u better sprint

                                                  Jk: hyung I'm outside        
Tae: then come in ??

Jiminie: ^^^^

Hobi: Yh what tae said

                                          Jk: about that .... I 
                                              Sort of picked up a girl
<message sent at same time>
         What ?!?!?!?!??


"Y/N ..wake up"

I felt light stroking of my hair.

"Y/N...were home"

The word 'home' ripped through me and jerked my body awake. My breathing heavy as pictures of my past 'home' a couple hours ago invaded my mind. Tears lifted to my eyes and threatened to fall down my face, sticky from my last set of tears and rain.

'I knew he lied'
'He found you'
'Welcome back home'
'Y/N ...let me in'
'Y/N...let me in'
'Y/N ...LET M-'

Before the voices could finish of that sentence, two warm hands cupped my face and pulled it over to the side. There I am met with the stranger. No. No, he isn't a stranger, he's JK. His hands held my face and I gladly accepted them to help my breathing, I followed his commands of 'breathe in' and 'breathe out' and the 'your safe'. Slowly my eyesight wasn't so blurred anymore with a mix of tears and suffocation and I could tell we were outside of a large house.
The large house held acres of land out of the front and large windows occupied it however only one or two lights illuminated the space.
'What time was it?' I questioned in my head.

"It's 1:45am Y/N" JK spoke softly afraid to break me.
"Did I say-"
"Your face says it are we ready to meet them?" He stated still holding a soft tone
"Who" I asked my face once again holding a confused scowl.

"The boys"

Break down my walls : OT7 FFWhere stories live. Discover now