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"So ...who wants breakfast?"


The water poured down my black and blue back. Purple colour blossoms over my rib cage, too tender to touch. The steam enclosed around me and gathered to my skin. My thoughts wondered round the room, picking on ever minor detail. I was very thankful to have a shower as I watched the sweat and tears melt away. Silence was key in the moment of planning. My plan had not ran as smooth as I had hoped it would have tonight.

When I had jumped from my window in a hope of a new life, this is not what I had wanted. I mean it wasn't a bad situation but I can't stay long. He would find me...I knew he would. Kookie would ask questions and I am too scared to give the answers to such a gentle man.
'He would be traumatised'
'He would be scared'
He would blame YOU'
Would he blame me for the action of others but from my mistakes?. The word stung at my chest, adding to the physical pain. Looking down at my hands as they began to shrivel and knew I would have to leave the comfort of steam.

My fingers grasped the soft cotton of the towel and wrapped it around my frame. My hair was damp and dripped on the cold, marble floor. Just as I was about to slip on Kookies sweatpants, the bathroom door swung open and my eyes grew large. A man, shorter than the rest boy not any more muscular, I had recognised from the kitchen stood staring at me.
And I flipped. And a long stare was broken between us as I called the only person I trusted.


"Shall I ask if she wants any breakfast Hyung?" I asked to Yoongi as he had started to plate the breakfast. Having breakfast at 2 AM was a normal thing in this household due to times we all got in from our job shifts. Yoongi gave a slight hum of approval, so I got up and walked to the stairs. The chatter of the boys slowly dimming down as walked up the staircase.

A yawn left my mouth and placed a hand on JKs door handle. 'Do you think she is out of the shower?'. Placing my ear to door, I couldn't hear any water so took the chance to open the door. There I was met with Y/N standing there, in a towel, semi naked. I was screwed. 'Jk is going to kill you chim' was all I could keep repeating in my head, too in shock to leave my eyes from her shaking figure.
The thing that broke my stare was Y/N herself and she was. Screaming. At me. Well more for JK.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I apologised having to raise my voice over her screams.

Before I could say anymore apologises, a large shove pushed me from the doorway and a "Oof" ran out my mouth. JK was holding the girl, whilst protecting her modesty whilst the rest of the boys all stood behind me snickering. "Well done chim, made your first girl scream" snickered taehyung. "Haha very funny, I don't see you with a girlfriend on your side either tae"said Namjoon. Jin had opened his mouth however JK had turned round and boy was he pissed.

His eyes said it all. He was almost screaming at me to 'fuck off' and to 'shut the fucking door' and we all obeyed. Her screaming had stopped now, but from behind the door, we all heard her harsh sobs that ran through the hallway. " I just wanted to see if she wanted breakfast" I whispered out, my heart hurting at making her scared. However a small hand patted my shoulder and I lifted my head to see Y/N. Her cheeks were flushed and eyes dewy with tears but a small smile graced her cut lips as she responded with

"I'm guessing your Jimin"

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