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Hi hi it's the author!! I'm so sorry for all the late updates I have been doing, it's been hectic recently!!
Thank you so much for all the love i have got so far from this book!! Please comment any ideas you want or requests for the next chapters💕LOVE YOU XOXO
                                - Sadie xxx

Y/N ...we all have feelings for you"


My mouth fell open and my jaw went slack.
'Did I here them right?'
Yoongis arm tightened around my waist to ground me from this situation. The boys all stared at me as they waited for a response. A hand found it's way to my face and pulled my eyes up from my lap. "Kitten, are you okay?", was all Yoongi said and I still couldn't find the words. Glee spread through the my whole body, finally feeling safe and ...loved. For the first time in forever I was loved.

"I like you too..." and all of a sudden, Jimin jumped onto me and the boys bundled on top. Kisses were pressed all over my face and hugs were littered all of my body. However due to my bruising, 7 boys on top of me was starting to hurt. "YAH, boys your gonna smush my baby!!" Jin shouted once he heard my groan of discomfort.

Quickly all the boys moved off of me and I felt like I could breathe but I already missed there warmth. Kookie sat down next to me on the sofa and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me from Yoongi. "Hyunggg, your hogging my bun already" as he pushed his face into my hair. "It's not my fault Kitten is cuddly" Yoonie smirked as he moved so Hobi could sit in his lap. "So are we all together now or-Don't worry if you want to wait- I mean- it's not like I'm bothered or- wait I am bothered I just mean- ahh what am I saying- i me-"

Before I could finish my rant, Kookie placed his soft, plump lips on top of mine. His love poured into my body as his hands stayed firmly on my hips. I followed along with his movements to catch up with his pace. The kiss was soft and tender and made my stomach fill with butterfly's. As we pulled away for oxygen, my eyes blown wide. "Wow" was all I could muster up as I smoothed out my hair. Kookies cheeks blushed a slight pink and he helped me with my hair, "Sorry it was the only way to silence your rant"

I was about to reply that I enjoyed the kiss very much, from beside me all I could here was Joonie saying "bullShit kook" underneath his breath.
'Did he wanna be my first kiss?'
'Did they know this was my first kiss?'
'This just got confusing'
"I want to be your next kiss,it's not fair"Jimin pouted as he slumped himself into Jin. "It's okay baby, she will all get to kiss us soon, be patient" as he kissed his cheek. A giggle came from inside me as I watched the cute moment between my now boyfriends.

"Can we watch the TV?" I asked as I grabbed the remote from the table. A low hum left kookie a throat as a response to my question. I snuggled further into him and inhaled his woody scent that drifted to my nose.
'Did I just smell my boyfriend'
"What do you wanna watch sweetheart?" I heard Joonie whisper over as he sat on the other side of me. "What do you guys want?" I said

"Train to busman"
"Spirited away!"
"Anything you want kitten"
"Meteor garden"
After 30 minutes of getting the boys to stop bullying each other requests to watch we all settled on my neighbour totoro, I had only  watched this film once when I was allowed out...but today is a happy day and I'm not going to get upset from my past.


I couldn't explain the happiness I felt after Y/N said she feels the same way. I loved my boyfriends dearly but Y/N was that missing piece. I imagine if I never met Y/N on that road a couple nights ago. The image still scares me to think about, her all muddy and scared and ...that panic attack. That seems to happen a lot so maybe I can call up the doctors for help with that.

My neighbor totoro was still in the background as I looked at my phone.
'Hmm midnight already'
I looked over and Y/N had moved around and snuggled up into Joons arms and his smile was so dimpled with love it was making my heart happy. "Shall we set her to bed Joon?" as I turned the TV off. "Baby I was watching that!" Tae groggily sat up in complaint, but Jin just shushed him knowing he was about to fall asleep. "Good idea kook, I will put her in your bed". Everyone got up and kissed each other goodnight and we went to our bedrooms.

Jimin was likely to go to Yoongis room with Hobi and Tae would go with Jin and Joon. And that left me with Y/N and I couldn't be happier. Y/N moved  in Joons arms and she sleepily muttered...

"Thank you for accepting me"

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