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Hi readers!! Sorry for the late update as I have had Exam week this week and was studying!! Wish me luck with my last two💕Enjoy the chapter xxx
                               - Sadie xxxx

That wouldn't be much fun for you though Foxy"


"Please Yoonie, you cant say no to that face"

"Please Joonie, He is so cute no?"

"Look at Buns Face, she needs this puppy!"

The three youngest pouted as they sat on the living room rug, whilst Y/N was rolling around with the dog. A dog was something I hadn't expected to see when I walked in from work. The sun was setting and the orange glow lightened up the room casting a honey glow on everyone's face. I could hear Y/N giggling with the puppy, trying to get him to sit.
' Cute'

"Babies, I already said no, Me and Joon don't like dogs", Yoongi huffed as he loosened his tie. The dark blue suit fitted perfectly to his slender frame and made his shoulder muscles pop through the white shirt. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist, placing my head into the crook of his neck. "Please baby, look how happy Y/N is, hmm?", I hummed out as I placed butterfly kisses around his neck. However, my plan seemed to fail as Yoongi simply kissed my lips and a simple "Not going to work Babe" as he walked towards the stairs. "Yoongiii, that's unfair", I huffed out now even more determined to keep the puppy. "Why is he so salty about Tannie?", Tae questioned as he laid back down on the floor.

Jin appeared back down from the stairs after getting changed, walking in just a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. From the corner of my eye, I saw Babygirl's cheek blush red after staring at Jin and then look back to Tannie. "Who's Tannie Button?", Jin said as he walked over to the pouting Tae. "Wait, you don't know?", she asked as she picked up the fuzz ball and plopped him in his lap. "Oh, its a dog...OH ITS DOG", Jin yelled as brought the dog up to lick his face. A laugh ran through my body as I watched the scene unfold. "Baby, I didn't know you liked dogs so much", Kook responded as he stopped his laughter as well. "Yah, Kook-ah how could you forget, if it makes Button happy then I'm happy", a full smile reached his eyes as he pulled Y/N in for a hug whilst I reached for the dog.

Tannie, as the dog is called snuggled into my chest as I gently stroked his fur. The fur was surprisingly soft and not matted. His cute button nose sniffed against my shirt. "Ah look at Hobi being all soft with Tannie, I love it!", Y/N screeched as she wrapped her arms around Jin more. My heart blossomed at the sight again in front of me, Kook had snuggled with Jimin by the sofa still on the floor and Tae had crawled over to Jin and Y/N on the sofa. "Guys, we still need to sort the issue with Yoongs and Joon", Tae huffed and Jin continued to run his fingers through his hair. Placing the dog in Jimins lap, kissing there lips as I walked past, "don't worry, I will sort it, Hope to the rescue!", as I pretended to fly up the stairs.


Tae's hair glided through my fingers as I wrapped my hand around Buttons waist closer. I had missed my partners at work today and seeing them now made me feel complete again. Reaching for the remote, I flicked through Netflix till button stopped me, "Jinnie, lets watch this". Me and the boys all shared glance with each other, which now we seemed to do a lot. 3 years with someone is a lot. "Bun, that's a scary film are you sure you want to watch that?", Kook said as he and Jimin sat onto the sofa above. "Yah, if peanut wants to watch it, she can", my eyes widened at Taes statement. "You just want her to run for you if she has nightmare", Jimin called out, being pulled back into Kook's chest'
'Am I the responsible one here?'
' I am the Hyung'
' But I look the youngest sooo does that count?'
"Are you sure Button?", I asked again looking down on her small body. To my surprise, Y/N rolled her eye, earning a giggle from Jimin "Babies, I know what a horror is, it will be fine" as she snuggled further into me more. With the shrug of my shoulders I clicked on ' The conjuring' and the movie started to play. Tae pulled a blanket down from the sofa edge and wrapped it around us. My heart felt content however the feeling didn't last long as the entire movie, me and Tae were faced each other, too scared to look at the screen.

The night passed quickly, Hobi, Joon and Yoongi never coming back down stairs but we wasn't worried as we knew what Hobi was doing. The film finished and we all started to tidy up the food we had ordered half way through. As I reached to stand up, Y/N's small hand tugged at my shirt, looking down her eyes were glossed and shiny,

"That film isn't real, right?"

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