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Hello lemons !!, it's been a while and I'm sorry, my life has been mega busy but I promise I have been checking this story every day and the reads and comments and votes going up. I never thought people would love my book as much as I do so I am sensorially grateful at all the love 💕I hope you enjoy this longer chapter and I hope to make another update soon on my other book , Flag girl. I hope you enjoy, Love you all lots 💓💓💓xoxox
~ Sadie xoxo

"Ready to go sweetheart?"
I pass the city as the van drives through Seoul, with Jimin on my right and Yoongi on my left. I would normally love the skin-ship that was thrown my way , however right now all I could think about was the growing nausea in my stomach and the pounding in my head.
'God I really hope that I'm not coming down with something, I don't want to be a burden to the boys'.
'Maybe I'm just nervous going to there work place'
'Yep,that's defiantly it'
The air conditioning of the carsuddenly flowed through the vents and onto my flushed cheeks, the slight shine to my forehead giving away my tempted state. My eyes picked up to see who had turned on the vents when I met the eye of a doe eye man.
"You was looking a bit flushed there bun", Kookie states with a chuckle, as he turns back round in the passenger seat.

"Oops, sorry kitten are we sat too close?", as Yoongi shuffled closer to the window, however my mind simply was yearning for his touch and it wasn't his closeness to cause the flush to my skin. The smell of wood and aftershave flooded my nostrils whenever Yoongi was ear almost alerting my senses that I was safe. So when he moved away, I tried my hardest from pulling on his suit jacket.
"Sweetheart, do you want the window seat so your less smooshed?Im sure we can pull over to swap seats", Jimin grabbed at his buckle but my reflex was the pull his hand back up.
"It's fine Jimin, Thank you Yoongi but we are properly close enough the the company now right?", I whispered as I silently prayed I wouldn't have to be in this car any longer or my tea would certainly be sprung back up over this car. Just as I said that, the car swerved into the parking bay of a large skyscraper,
'We are in the middle of the city right now'
' Oh god, I hope we aren't on the top floor because I don't think I can deal with a elevator right now'

A cold hand pressed itself onto my forehead, pulling me away from my frantic day dreams or what we can call nightmares, I really didn't want to be sick right now.
"Y/N, are you okay?, we have been parked for a few minutes now calling you", Jin said with a chuckle however I could see in his eyes he didn't find it funny. I don't think any of the boys found it funny, as I saw all of them shuffle there eyes to each other in a sign of ' Is she okay'.
"Oh my god, Sorry Jinnie!, I was completely absorbed into my fascination of the building.... Let's go and see where my boyfriends work!" As I jumped from the car as quickly as possible to avoid Jins eyes and I grabbed onto Taehyungs hand and let him lead the way.

Namjoon's POV~
I sat in the car which a low hum pulling from my lips, this morning had been a rush and I had barely anytime to even say hello to sweetheart. Catching her gaze from the window in the car, I could see the slight glaze that had frosted over them, the burning flush that blotched into her cheeks but not the kind she made when she was nervous. No this seemed like the kind when someone had a fever....Oh God.
'How could she not tell us she wasn't feeling well'
'Maybe she was frightened?'
'Maybe I'm overth-'
However my thought was paused mid sentence when we had stopped outside the building and Y/N just sat in her seat as I could see her mind wandering further and further, it was cute but I could still feel her heat radiating off her from the fever.

"You guys go ahead with Sweetheart, I'm just gonna speak to Mary", as the boys guided Sweetheart into the lift but before I could go and sort out plans for a car to pick up Baby I heard Y/N run up behind me. "Everything okay Sweetheart?", as I stroked the hair on her head and she wrapped her arms round my waist.
"Where are you going Jonnie?", her voice wavering a bit.
"Just to sort a few thing about Baby, it's okay I will meet you up in the office real soon, hm?", she uncertainly nodded her head slowly and walked back into Taes hand as they walked out the lift.
'We need to get her home'
'Silly baby, she could've just told us she didn't feel well'

"Mary, I'm gonna need a car to pick us up at 12am today please"

In the lift, Buns hand had slipped from Taes hand into mine real quick but I wasn't gonna deny her, she could hold my hand anytime of the day. But this hand holding felt off, her palms felt cold and clammy and I didn't forget to notice the slight tremble in the hand and she took deep breathes in and out.
'Is she feeling okay'
'Maybe she got carsick?'
'Or travel a elevator?'
"Hey, bun are you feeling okay?", and that was what caused her tears to come full pelt into a waterfall. In the middle of the lift. Fuck.
All the boys has gathered round her, asking her if she was okay but from the colour of her face I knew immediately what was gonna happen.
"Yoongi, turn Hobi around", I demanded as I gently held Y/Ns shoulders and rubbed her back as she started to quiver.
"JK, but wh-"
"Bun is gonna be sick and know how Hobi gets, so please just turn him around!"

It was as if as soon as I said the words 'sick', Bun let out a gurgle and vomit splurged over the floor of the lift. Deep gags left my poor buns mouth with a few hiccups and cry's, all I could do was rub her back and whisper gentle nothings into her ear.
"I'm s-s-sorry, I didnt mean to!", hic, "I don't like being sick Kookie", she sobbed as she continued to let her self vomit again.
"Hey, hey it's okay bun,that's it, get it all up, your okay"
Another hand met mine on her back,
"That's it peanut, good girl", tae pulled her hair into a ponytail to keep it from her face.
I could hear Yoongi trying to help Hobi keep his composure over the idea of sick as he always has struggled with it, and being in the elevator was t helping. Being caught up in the moment, I hadn't realised we had been on our floor for the past few minutes just stuck in the elevator.

"Right, everyone out, I will sort Hobi out, Foxy you need to go call Joon and tell him we going home whilst Jin can u go a find a hoodie for Kitten to wear" as Yoongi leant down to Buns height as she had now crawled to sit on the floor claiming it was cooler down there.
"Where are you going Yoongi", Buns sad voice tugged at my heart strings as she wiped her mouth with a tissue Tae had.
"It's okay my baby Kitten, TaeTae and JK are going to look after you, You will be okay" as he walked off with a sad smile with Hobi to the studio.

'Fuck, I should've asked her earlier if she was okay'
'I hate seeing her I'll, especially with nausea'
Grabbing Bunny from under her arms and she was as limp as noodle, me and Tae walked her to the sending lift to take her to the lobby. I could feel her go dead weight as a sign she had fallen asleep. Poor baby, the vomiting has exhausted her as I let out a deep sigh. Taes hand rubbed down her back as we stood in the lift,

"Let's get this peanut home Kook"

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