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"It's nothing"


Whilst Y/N was talking I couldn't help but notice something. Something I wish to never see on a girl. Purple bruises littered her shoulder and wrist. The colour stood out from her pale skin making them look sore and painful. My mind was running over drive.
'Who could such a thing'
'I need to ask her'
'Hasn't she realised I can see them'
I took the chance and asked her the question I was dying to have the answer too but all we got back was 'it's nothing'.

I sat there staring for a-bit, the tension between the boys and her was getting thick in there air and I must break it. "Okay luv" was all I said back not wanting to break the girl even more. Y/N leaned back in her chair, the life from her eyes seemed to have drifted again after my question. My eyes scanned the table and Jungkook was glaring at me, Jin was pouting, Yoongi was giving me a blank look, Tae was too busy trying to make Y/N laugh and Jimin was giving me sympathy eyes.

I mouthed to the boys 'don't look at me like that...it was only a question!'. Before anyone could respond Y/N moved from tae, "thank you guys so much for this but I really should get going" and we all ignored her remark. From the corner of my eye, I could see her cute pout forming and her eyebrows scrunching together.
'WAIT!! HOBI STOP, you have only known her 5 minutes'
However I couldn't help noticing all the features of her after the mud and dirt had been drained away. The Y/C/H hung down her back, her petite form being swallowed by the loose jumper, the small dimples that highlighted her smile. Something drew her to me and I had a feeling the boys felt it too.


I moved from tae only because his tickling was hurting my bruise that hugged my stomach so I played it off with my statement. They ignored it. My valuable statement. Was. Ignored. They didn't understand that staying here was not in my plan of running away from the past. I didn't know how or when but I needed to leave...but I can stay here maybe for a little bit to gather my strength.
'Ha, yeah right Y/N you just want to keep staring at the gods for a little longer'
That thought made my cheeks blush again and the red tint on my face showed. I felt a hand on my forehead and I flinched away, grabbing the closest thing towards me which was Namjoon. And at that moment, I didn't care that I had clung my arm round his waist but later I will forever be embarrassed.

"Woah there sweetheart ,it's okay it's only kookie" Namjoon rubbed my back soothingly as he spoke. I still hung onto Namjoon but not so tight this time. Kookie resumed what he wanted to do and touched my forehead. "Your a-bit hot bun, do you feel okay?", the new nickname surprised me. " I have a little stomach ache but ...I'm fine don't worry" I flashed them my best smile and that seemed to stop there worries. For now. My stomach in actually was throbbing in pain but I didn't care I can't let them see the bruise that was sitting there.
'Your fine Y/N, stop being a baby'
'Ask them for help'
'Don't your fine'
'No your not'

I was having a battle with myself in my head and when I entered back into reality, I noticed I was crying and Namjoon was stroking my hair, whispering sweet nothing in my ear. Jimin had walked round to us, Kookie has walked off probably to go and get medicine.

"Sweetheart, how much pain are you in?", Namjoon was still rubbing my back however he had moved me onto his lap now and didn't seem to care. I wouldn't answer his question though, too scared to show him. "I'm f-f-fine really joonie...", my choice of name wasn't a concern right now. In my opinion, it is cute. Kookie had returned with the wide shouldered man called Jin and sat by me. "Take these Y/N, you will feel better I promise" , kookie had passed me 2 pills and I gladly accepted them.

I closed my eyes and before I could fall asleep and numb the pain, joonie had combed the hair behind my ear and kissed my nose with the saying lightly

"We will take care of you sweetheart"

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