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" Peanut, I think we need a talk"


Y/N slipped her hands from my hand and fled to the bathroom. The boys looked at her run and followed straight after. My heart squeezed with guilt at the reaction he had got. Before we could make it into the room with her, Peanut had locked the door behind her with a slam. I let out a sigh of frustration to the situation. "Well that could have gone easier", Yoongi whispered under his breath. I heaved another long sigh, "We was gonna have to ask her soon enough, she is our girlfriend!". He stepped forward towards me , his eyes pulled in a glare, "Yes, but Tae that's not the point!!", Yoongi shouted back.

I grumbled a word under my mouth, "What is the point then Yoongi!... you tell me because I see a scared girl that we have all fallen for and no one is doing anything to help her!". My tone rose and my face flushed with it. Hobi simply walked over to the kitchen table and picked up his phone, bringing it back to the door, not entering the conversation.
'Well done Tae, had to ruin everything and start an argument' 'She wont like you know for sure'

My eyes watered at the thoughts, What if she really didn't like me anymore. All I did was simply ask her a question about talking. We all knew at one point Y/N would have to tell us the reason she was alone and passed out in the road. We couldn't let that past us. However, Peanut had strong walls that were built high, slowly we was breaking them down but I know now they might have just gone straight back up. Breaking me from my thought's, was Jinnie walking down with Kook following behind at the commotion of my shouting.


                         Jimins thicc as pie
<Hobi has entered that chat>

Hobi: Hey guys,    
Babygirl has locked herself in the bathroom, come help?

<JK has entered the chat>
< Jin has enter the chat>
< Joonie has entered the chat>
< Jimin has entered that chat>

JK: What!!? Why did she do that?

Jin: Is she okay? And also baby we are only upstairs you can just shout for us

Jimin: Did you say something to her?

JK: Jinnie is true

Hobi: Please help, she  is gonna make herself sick.

< Messages sent at the same time >

: Coming now

Placing the phone back into my pocket, I saw Kook and Jin walk down the stairs in a hurry. I had to message the boys for help as I had to take care of Tae and Yoongi. How could a perfect morning take such a turn so quickly?. Whilst the 2 boys were shouting each other about our baby's well being, what they didn't hear was Y/N in the bathroom. Her sobs could be heard through out the door and the sound hurt my heart. I crouched down beside the door, "Y/N, Babygirl, can you come out?", I smoothly spoke through the wood. However no response was heard as she continued to sob.

Kook crouched down beside me, pecking my check to calm me down. I was nervous on what was happening and apparently he could tell and I was grateful. "If she keeps crying like this she will make herself sick", Kook said as he ran his hand through his black locks. "I know and if she is sick, the doors locked, we cant even help", I spoke, my voice filled with concern. We hadn't known Y/N for too long but I already couldn't stand to see her in this state, well at least hear it. Pulling at the door knob once again hoping this time it wasn't locked, alas it was still stuck in place and far from us getting into the room. "Luv, please can you open the door for me?", Jimins voice startled me from behind.

I looked around behind me and the sight wasn't pretty. Tae had tears streaming down his face whilst still arguing to Yoongi, Yoongi had a angry red tint to his pale skin. Joon was no where to be seen but I over heard him saying he was going to find the key. Jimin, Kook and Jin huddled round the door with me. The sounds of sobbing were quieting down, only whimpers and coughs could be heard and my body flushed with relief.
' Thank god, now we just need this door open' Reminder to get the looks of the doors for now'

Joon had returned with the key shining in his hand and started to move us out of the way from the door. A few grumbles were heard from us not wanting to move from the door but soon enough we had moved. "Sweetheart, I am going to open the door, Is there anyone you want with you?", Joon sweet talked Y/N before he pushed open the door. Nothing was heard and before he opened the door, a small squeak was heard form behind.

"I want Jimin and Kook"


Hi lemons!! Its the author, Thank you so much for close too 500 reads it really means a lot xxx

Please comment and don't be a silent reader, I really appreciate your votes and reads xoxo

Stay healthy and happy my loves xoxo

- Sadie xxx

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