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"Joonie...I had a nightmare"


I was running and running.The rain wouldn't stop and my heart was beating so fast as it punched against my chest.
The voice was echoing around my head to 'leave' 'go' 'vanish' but all I could think about was them.
And kookie.
They had saved me but why were they chasing me now.
Why did they have the same face as him.Him. The man I swore never to love or think about again.
I tripped and he leaned over me and gave me a sickly grin.
"Found u bunny"
I screa-

I awoke to being drenched in sweat and tears running down my face. I clutched at my heart, panting in the oxygen and begging myself to calm down. I don't want to have another panic attack. Not now and not ever. I lifted myself of the bed, "kookie?" I called out into the darkness of his room but to hear no 'yes bun?' return I started to believe the thoughts in my head.
'Had they actually left me?'
'Do they not want me anymore'

I shook my head, trying to shake out the thoughts as I knew they couldn't be true. The house was silent and I tiptoed through the floors. The doors to there bedrooms were all shut and it would be rude to open without knocking so I walked around in the darkness. Only the moonlight shining in and then I saw an open door. A light was glowing from inside so I took my chances.

The idea of having someone comfort me at this moment made all my nightmare resurgence to I ran to the door. My small feet to quite to hear the 'pitter patter' down the hall. I opened the door and there was Joonie and I done the best thing possible. I ran up to him and gave him a hug.            

A big hug. His large hand rubbed smoothing circles on my back. "It's okay sweetheart, I'm here, Joonies here" he said as he layed me on his lap on the chair. My sobs started to lessen but his circled never stopped tracing my back.
"What are you doing up so late?" I asked as I grew more comfortable in his embrace. "Nothing much... what was your nightmare about?" He started to wipe my cheek with his thumb as I told him about my nightmare. "Sweetheart, we promise to never want to hurt you, we all want to protect you and when your ready you can tell us who that man is... you are perfect in ever way and we have only known you a couple of hours but I have loved every minute them, and I hope you will stay with us Y/N".

The words that left his mouth shocked me. We had only known each other a day and he already felt that way?. I felt special and that nightmare was a far of place from the one I was in right now. I smuggled up to him and his wrapped his hoodie around me. Gentle snores left his mouth and a giggled escaped mine.
'Aw he's asleep'
I slowly climbed out of his embrace, too awake to sleep and I looked at the clock. It was 6pm, and they were all asleep?.
'I guess they needed some energy brake'
I walked out and into the living room to see something I never expected but made my cheeks hue red. Hobi and Yoongi were kissing. More like snogging each other's face off.

I hurried to turn around and leave but a wire got caught in my foot and pulled the book of the table.
'My life suck so hard right now'
They boys all started awake to the sound and Hobi and Yoongi stared wide eyes at me and opened there mouths.

'Yeah...we're not straight kitten'

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