New Year, New Friends

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Mild smut. Erik's daughter brings a friend home from college.

When the doorbell rang, Erik's eyes lit up and he felt the excitement of the house rise. Leaving his ex with his two teen sons at the kitchen island, he jogged to meet his firstborn at the door. She'd been away at Spelman since Thanksgiving having spent Christmas with her college friend's family. It was time for her to be home.

"DAD," she yelled the second he opened the door. She flung her arms around him tight and he enveloped her as he had since she was born. He missed it too much. "Happy New Year's Eve Daddy," she grinned into his chest. He felt like he was floating.

"Happy New Year's Eve Pumpkin," he smiled pecking her on the forehead.

"Pumpkin," her friend laughed under her breath.

He could remember when his Aly was a small child taking monster shits in her diaper, that's where her nickname came from. He could also recall her running to him every time he picked her up from school and daycare. It was priceless. Time went by too fast. To him she'd always be his Pumpkin Butt.. he'd left the end off to spare her the embarrassment.

"Ahem," the youngest son's voice came from behind. Erik glanced back at the fourteen year old checking out his sister's new friend. He cleared his throat again but more aggressively from the side and Erik popped him in the head.

"You don't say hello? It's your sister boy."

"Hey," he said curtly.

"Who dis?" He looked the unfamiliar girl up and down like she was a meal and Erik popped him again.

"Get yo ass-" That was all that needed to be said before Delonte took off upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. Probably to play videogames, he'd gotten the PS5 for Christmas.

"This is my friend Mercedes. She's who I spent Christmas with last year, her family."

Lightlbulbs turned on in Erik's head as he looked between the two girls. How hadn't he clocked it before? "Mercedes," he repeated reaching for her hand. "Nice to finally meet you, you been taking care of my daughter?"

"Uh.." She smiled to Pumpkin in confusion. He stepped aside to gesture the two inside.

"Your mom's in the kitchen with your brother," Erik gestured watching Aly's back while she sped off to the kitchen to be met with explosive greeting of her mom. "..Hol'up. I need words with you," his voice lowered. He held on lightly to Mercedes by her shoulder. Her skin was soft. "..Don't worry while you're here.. We're genuinely glad to meet Aly's partner, I mean.. We weren't expecting it but you're definitely welcome."

"Her WHAT?! Ha.. No, I swear Mr. Stevens we're only friends," she grinned waving her hands in defense. "Neither of us is a lesbian.. I can promise you that..," her eyes twinkled. He could swear there was something behind them, but he chose not to linger on it. He dropped his hand from her shoulder with a grateful nod and led her to the kitchen where the scrabble board sat on top of the island. The fam was already set up to play.

"Heyyy Mercedes," Pumpkin's mom, Khia, beamed and Erik could tell she thought the same thing he had. He'd have to clue her in that they weren't 'together'.

"Hey Mrs. Stevens.. Not scrabble," Mercedes smiled dropping into a seat like she lived there. First of all, Erik and his baby mom had never married they were just good co-parents. He looked to Khia and and she shook her head not correcting the label. "I haven't played this since I was 9. I kinda forgot how it goes." She looked to Erik.

"I'll show you," Erik's seventeen year old son Diamante moved to stand behind her and Erik hid his smirk with a quick thumb of his nose. Halfway into the game, Aly got a call and took it upstairs. Everyone took a turn and she still wasn't back. "I feel like I should go, she might not be back for a bit," Mercedes toyed flipping a wooden tile in her fingers. She was proving to have a competitive streak much like Aly. It wasn't a wonder they were friends.

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