Rhea's Birthday

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Note: Rhea goes to a book event to make some money and leaves with more. Sexual content.

As an accomplished author of three books, Rhea was often looking for speaking engagements and places to sell said books. So when For the Culture Book Club contacted her to share her books at their upcoming author’s brunch, she was lowkey ecstatic. She’d also been thinking about creating a traveling workshop that teaches people the steps to self-publish. It was all coming together and working out in her favor. She could extend an invitation to her event to the participants of the brunch. Dollar signs appeared in her mind. The brunch was on her birthday, November 7th, and it was the perfect gift. “Usually we ask for a $20 donation from those who plan on selling books, but since it’s your birthday we’ll wave the fee,” the man said. The blessings just kept on coming. She knew exactly what she’d wear.

In her red peacoat, black bodycon dress, and black leather ankle boots, she lookded goodt. The event was at the Renaissance hotel and when she pulled up, she used the dolly in her trunk to load her boxes and wheel them into the event room. There were already lots of people there in attendance, predominately black. She felt proud of her people for coming out in droves and she was right at home. The space was impressively large and tables were placed on the edges of the room, all around in a large arch. Seats were centered in rows in the middle of the room. This was about to be an entire program and she was here for it. She noticed a table that everyone was stopping at and followed suit.

“Name,” the younger woman sitting asked noticing the dolly with the boxes. “Rhea Lewis, I’m a presenter and I’m supposed to sell my books.”

“Right, Lewis,” she mumbled scrolling a list of names with her long fingernail. She handed Rhea a program, a pen, and pointed her to a table to the right of the room. The table directly next to her had already been set up neatly with books on stands sitting on a black table cloth. It was a sharp and modern look and the books matched. There was even chocolate candy in a container and a large stand with a poster of a group of smiling kids. It looked like an outreach program.

Luckily, her skills were up to par where her table wouldn’t look janky next to his. From her boxes, she pulled a white table covering and began setting up her books on top of it. They were tastefully colorful, being that they were works of adult fiction. She had business cards, and vases of fake flowers that pulled everything together nicely. She’d even thought to get small flyers made advertising her self publishing workshop. Following the example set by the other booksellers and she sat in the audience and waited until a beautiful woman grabbed the mic and gave an introduction. This was For the Culture’s third annual author’s brunch and they were very excited. Half those in attendance were book club members. The more the woman talked about the club and their events, the more Rhea was interested in joining.

Rhea listened carefully to the other speakers as they promoted their books and read passages, explaining the meaning and inspiration behind it. She liked how people were able to ask questions and really get involved. When it was her turn, she chose her latest book to discuss.

The Tales of Milly was her baby. It was a collection of stories that started out as fics and she’d published them as original works. The story followed the life and relationship of her two original characters, Milly and Ishe. She read an excerpt from the chapter called Payback and based on the audience interaction, she knew she’d sell quite a few of this story.

After the speakers, the group was released to shop the tables. Rhea rushed back to man her station. “Wassup,” the man next to her greeted. Finally, a face to put with the black table. He was fine, she noted. Not ordinary fine, but turn you into a thot on the spot fine. “Hey,” she smiled.

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