24 Hours

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Note: After messing around in the lab, you mistakenly turn Erik into a woman.

“Erik, I don’t.. No actually I do know what happened. I mistook the estrogen I’d been saving for Mika.. she’s trans and wanted to join the Dora and..,” You stop short at Erik’s glare, “Okay! So it wasn’t a mistake. I added a complex growth hormone to her synthetic estrogen, infused it with a transformation agent and injected it into your bloodstream, but it’s not permanent and Shuri said–”

“Shuri? You take orders from my baby cousin now? You a grown ass woman and on top of that, you said this was a shot of weed essence to keep me high for the week. You lied.”

“For science! It’s not that bad, really babe, you make a beautiful woman! Give it a chance, you could join the Dora,” you grin. Erik’s narrowed eyes bore into you, but they’re somewhat different, more sultry. Your eyes travel down his hourglass figure and his curves are dangerous as a steep winding road. His slimmed out fingers jut out pointing your attention back from his hips to his eyes

“I’m a say this one time and then it’s a wrap. You better fix this shit. I don’t care what you gotta do, reverse it.”

“I know babe. You think I’d leave you like this? You fine and all but I’d miss that dick! Just give me 48 hours,” you pout grabbing his significantly shrunken arm. He’s so pretty. Prettier than you’d expected.

“Damn babe, you a bad bitch. A six foot tall bad bitch.” Your eyes roam his naked body again and his keloid scar pattern remains, stretching over the brown skin of his flat stomach, generous chest, back, and arms. He pops his boob muscle making his right boob jump.

“You like what you see,” he smirks and against your better judgment you can’t help but laugh. “Hell nah, turn me back now!” He kisses his teeth.

“I can’t! It’s gotta run its course. It’ll leave your blood stream in about 24 hours and you should be back to normal.”

“I’m not leaving this lab,” he pouts and it’s so cute you know without fail he could instantly pull a sugar daddy. You’re tempted to call him babygirl, but hold back.

“Babe! You have to. Please. You said you’d go out with me and my friends to the club tonight. I wanna go with you! Please? You always wanted to see what happens with me and my girls while you’re away this is your chance.” It takes a lot of convincing, but he finally caves.


“Thankyouthankyouthankyou,” you screech pecking small kisses all over his pretty face. “We just gotta get there before 11.”

“Oh shit you right,” his demeanor changes and suddenly he’s more positive. “Women free before 11.”

“I’m not wearing that shit,” Erik complains when you hold up a green tube dress, “I’ll wear the black one, it complements my shoulders and waistline better.” You silently grab the black wrap dress and help him put it on afraid to say too much to betray your joy and humor at the situation. “You think I can fit them black Louboutins I bought you last year?”

“Let’s see,” you say rushing to pull them out. Kneeling, you help him put them on along with an insert to keep him comfortable. “Okay Cinderella! You might need to carry some flats with you just in case your feet start hurting in these high heels. Try to walk.”

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