The Cries of Scarlett Grass

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Halloween Fic based in the antebellum period. TW: Slavery. . YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN THAT TIME.

Justine is in love with Erik, but circumstances of the time prevent them from getting married. ENJOY!

"What ya doin over there, Justine," Millie whispers to me and instantly I drop the Mrs' pearls back in her box and close it shut, clutching the space on my chest where they'd just been hanging. "Your heart and mind always show on your face," she warns.

"Don't scare me like that.. I almost had a fit," I whisper back.

"If ya scared, happy, sad.. in looove," she teases.

"Girl ain't you supposed to be readying supper?"

"I pissed in the lemonade," she grins. "Come watch em all drink it and stop messing with her jewelry. If the Mrs had seen you touchin her shit just now she'd of dragged you by your hair from here to the field."

"I keep it wrapped so she can't," I test it making sure it's extra tight so my hair don't show. The old bat, she's as wicked and jealous as they come. Mad because the Mr got a thing for long dark curly hair like me and Millie got. She's also on the verge of going senile.

"Oh and hurry bring her dress, she had a lil.. accident."

"She done shitted herself again?! Nasty heifer," I mumble snatching a change of dress from the wardrobe. I carry it down knowing I have to wipe her ass again like she a newborn. I suspect she like the feel of someone touching her nether parts since it don't sound like the Mr. be doing it, he too busy in my face and poor Millie.. she terrified of him especially after what he did to her. We all know Mrs is the one who hit her so hard she lost her sight in one eye, and who the lil white skinned children on this plantation were fathered by but no one talks about Millie's slight limp or her inability to have children anymore. He did something really bad to her that she won't talk about and now every time Mr looks at me I feel this intense fear that I'll be next. Erik knows about it cause I told him and he says to be strong, don't show an ounce of fear or disgust when the Mr comes near because it'll be that much worse. He says we'll run away together soon when the time is right. Until then, I help Millie as she kills, plucks, cleans, and cooks the chicken with carrots pulled fresh from outside. Millie argued years back that she must at least taste a drop or forkfull to determine that the food is flavored correctly and ready to be served. Before then, she'd was been beaten for the tiniest nibble and they'd got tired of bland chicken.

Thinkin of that, we chuckle with the other house negroes taking turns watching the Mr and Mrs drink up the pissy lemonade with their guests like it's extra delicious. We wait in the kitchen, only coming out to clean the table or bring something else out. It's better than working the fields.. although that's where my Erik works from before sun up to after sundown while that sun out there whips him like another overseer in the sky, or at least that's how he calls it.

Everytime I think of Erik, my face smiles on its own. Erik is a very beautiful man built sturdy with eyes only for me though the courts won't acknowledge our union since we're but chattel to them.. and asking for the Mr's permission to share a cabin with as a married couple is a death sentence for Erik. See, Mr is a very wicked man much like the devil and very territorial. He don't care for anyone eying me or Millie unless he demands it for the purpose of showing us off like prized pigs.

"Justine," the Mr yells at me suddenly having entered the kitchen while I clean it. I'm uneasy but I remember Erik's words to show no fear and follow him out to the unfamiliar guests.. men who study me like a cut of beef. According to their talk, this time might be different. Usually they'll compliment the Mr on his slave girl and some other things but this time there's talks of purchase. I know what happened to Millie, how she got here. Mr seen her elsewhere and decided he wanted her. Now there are three men here in talks for me and nothing is stopping them but the Mr. "Do a turn fo'em," the Mr orders and I turn until I'm forward facing once again. Mr drives up the price and when the men agree to pay, he grabs my wrist. "Ya hea' that girl, I could sell ya fo a whole lot. You betta be a good luh' girl if ya know what's good fo ya."

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