Erik Killmonger Must Die

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“STOP!” Nnena washed her hands watching chaos bounce around the spacious and upscale restroom. “Oh my God.. YOU GUYS..” She dried her hands as the three woman grabbed, tugged, and swung on each other like they weren’t in a public establishment where anyone could walk in.

One girl was on the bathroom’s floor blocking her face. A second girl had the Marley braiding hair from the first girl’s bun in hand while slapping at the third girl who was wielding her stiletto as a weapon. “STOP THIS!… I SAID STOP!!” Nnena barked as her shrewd gaze passed judgmentally over the group of heavy breathing women. “You guys are acting like fools fist fighting each other over some MAN who was playing ALL of you.” She’d started to stay in the stall and mind her own business but she’d heard the confrontation and their conversation, the ‘who are you’ ‘the boy is mine’ situation intensifying, their fighting words, the sound of a first hit and the following rain of hits where someone was going “bitch, bitch, bitch’ after every hit. These were BLACK women going to war with each other over something stupid. Plus she was a waitress and she’d witnessed their man’s clownery up close. He was a regular but the faces of his dates always changed. She’d watched him with his women. He always used the same lines every time and they’d swoon and be all over him, never to be seen again. Hearing these women fight amongst themselves like cats, she couldn’t take it sitting down so she cleaned herself and she flushed.

Fast forward to the three huffing and puffing women staring at her work uniform and name badge as if she had no right to intervene or speak to them. “Look outside. No seriously, look at his table. He’s supposed to be with one of you right now I assume?” She checked her watch. This man ran like clockwork. “Look out there. Really watch him.”

They limped and shuffled to the door peaking out, having to move forward a bit more into the restaurant to see him. He was just sitting there waiting for the who’d been on the floor to return to the table. The women were getting impatient but Nnena pointed to another woman at a nearby table who was giving him bedroom eyes. She slid him a card and he turned it over, smiling, before sticking it in his pocket and giving her a wink. He put his hand to his ear like a phone and they didn’t need to read lips to know that he’d call her although he was doing a good bit of talking.

“He’s already picking up the next girl. He’s not thinking about either of you. It’s how some men are, only caring about their dick getting wet.. leading you on and making you think he cares just to get what he wants so he can leave and move on? You’re a conquest to him! Look at yourselves fighting over a guy who probably doesn’t remember either of your names.”

Dignity kicked in and the women straightened themselves, avoiding eye contact with each other as they straightened and headed back into the bathroom to fix themselves in the mirror. “He definitely remembers my name, we work together,” Slappy said, reapplying her nude lipstick.

“And? I’ve worked with him too just not through the same company,” Stiletto added slipping the shoe back onto her foot. “This is stupid. Keeping up with you two on my man is already irritating and I’m supposed to watch that thot out there too?”

“I didn’t even know you two existed. He said he was unattached,” Floor girl said unsurely.

Stiletto rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Of course he did,” she laughed angrily. “I’m an idiot.” Shaking her head she did a double take at the gold ring that sat on a chain dangling from Slappy’s neck. “Did he give that to you?” She looked as if she’d been stung.. deeply.

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