Roleplay, Part II

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I lied, I just gave it it's own space instead of adding it in the previous chapter. Think I'll do it this way from now on.

Warning: sexual content, gunplay

Dan sprinted down the alley, eyed wide in fear. Ducking behind a dumpster, he tucked his body out of sight before
two tall men slowed from their sprint into a walk approaching the dumpster quickly. One began to pull a gun. Dan wrapped his arms around himself and closed his eyes, rocking back and forth. "Disappear," he whispered frantically. "Just disappear." He waited, rocking as his small body shook. He shouldn't have run away from the Academy, now people were hunting him. He didn't hear footsteps anymore. He opened his eyes and held his breath. Pausing, he waited and then built the courage to look around the dumpster. The men were gone as though they had vanished. Dan stepped out and looked ahead, the camera zooming on his squinted eyes.

"Scene," Ryan called. The second take. The kid had to be great if he could please Ryan so quickly.

"That's what we'll do," Michael nodded to Twinkie. The little actor would definitely be added to his upcoming movie as well. Michael watched a few more scenes as they were shot. They needed to be shot perfectly at specific times in the day in order to work so the actors had a lot of pressure on their shoulders. When it was Michael's turn to shoot, he became Professor Mercury and allowed the belt of a thin harness to be tied to his waist through the back of his black suit. He insisted on doing his own stunts.

The cameras began to roll capturing the majesty of Michael's character, the view like the jump scene from the Matrix. There was a sense of being suspended in time as the camera spun from Michael's right to his left, panning out.

"You think you'll be safer on your own," Professor Mercury barked from his stance atop the building, a frown on his face. Dan's footing fumbled. "By all means try it," Mercury yelled. "You'll find out fast that being alone, you're a target."

Dan looked back down the alley as if contemplating his escape.

"I won't force you to come back, but at least at the Academy, you'd have protection.. resources.. a team."

"That's not a team, they hate me," Dan yelled.

"They respect and fear you.. But they don't know you. Show them what a friend is. Maybe then you might make some."

"NO!" Dan turned to run in the opposite direction. "I'm not going back, I want my mom!"

Professor Mercury jumped down from the building, appearing before Dan and causing the boy to jump back.

"Your mom's entrusted you to my care. You will be safe. Even if I have to force your compliance for your own safety."

Dan began to waver on his feet and he dropped slowly to the ground under Mercury's power. His thoughts would not work. "Let me GO!"

"Thought about it. That was before I remembered something. I don't take suggestions from children. The day you are fully invested in learning to control your powers as a special youth in our program, is the day I'll think of listening to you."

Dan looked on in confusion.

"Cut," Ryan yelled. "You forgot your line?"

"Yeah..," Young Hakeem admitted.

"You say, I don't want to be special. I just want to go home. You got it?"

Hakeem nods gently, "Yes, sir," and the scene goes from the top.


Kasha recieved the text that Michael was on his way up to her room. Amazingly he'd managed to get in quickly without causing any fuss or abnormality in the lobby. She cracked her room door, waiting for him to get to her as she moved her suitcase out of the way, putting a few of her things out of sight.

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