A Good Rose is a Dead Rose

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Notes: It's Valentine's Day but Erik is mad at one of your recent purchases. Smut involved.

After a long and irritating day at work, your head drops as you realize you need gas and a few things at Walmart. You'd planned to get a wax, but as tired as you were you doubted you'd make it to the lil nail shop down the road from you. Maybe you'd shave tonight or tomorrow morning, maybe you wouldn't. Besides, your lover wouldn't be home tonight anyway. He was off rescuing some unfortunate soul from the throes of disaster. As a firefighter he would work an entire day if you let him, sometimes two.

"Don't forget me tomorrow," you text from the Personal Care aisle at Walmart. He promised he'd spend tonight and the entire Valentine's day with you tomorrow. The date was already planned. If he flaked, you'd kill him.

"I'll be late tonight."

Of course.. So now, even if you are tired and didn't plan to go anywhere else after Walmart, you feel a need to treat yourself with his debit to the luxury spa uptown. You've never been to this one because they're very pricey and upscale. You didn't want to pay upscale prices but the way you feel tonight? Eyelash extensions, a full body wax, and a Valentine's themed manipedi a la Erik. Sipping from a champagne flute, you brag to anyone who will answer your FaceTime.

"Heey," your new lash extensions flutter obnoxiously.

"Heey," Amber smiles in confusion until she notices your lashes. You pan to your feet on the pedicure bowl. "Oh why didn't you call me, I need a polish change."

"Girl," your tongue pops. "Erik paid for the full package. That man love me. I've been here sipping this tropical drink and living."

"Which spa do you go to?"

"You know Erik, he don't do regular. It's that overpriced spa uptown. I already got my my brows waxed and my fill-in." You flex your red encapsuled nails in various angles. "I'm bout to do red on my toenails.."

"What are y'all doing for Valentine's day? We're going dancing later at the Fox and tomorrow we're riding horses."

"Girl," your tongue hangs in excitement. "He's taking me to the outlet so we can shop. He wants to treat me. Then we're eating seafood."

"So what are y'all doing tonight? Y'all wanna meet us at the Fox and go dancing?"

"Uh.." Two things. One, it's too late to ask him as he requires notice. Two, Erik doesn't care for Amber or her man though he loves dancing. Either way it don't matter, he won't be home. "I'll let you know." It's already a no.

It's about 9:30 when you finally make it through the door at home and at that point you're shocked to find Erik in the kitchen surrounded by red flower petals with a glass and open half bottle of wine in front of him, flowers on the table. Cake on the table. Takeout on the table set for 2.

"You ain't tell me you were coming home." You sit your bags on the countertop, wondering why he looks so irritated. You show him your nails and he barely looks. "I went got my nails done for tomorrow, you told me you were working late tonight."

"What's that," he gestures toward the package sitting on the counter. You look at it and back to him. You'd think it was another guy or something.

"What it look like?.. Why you opening my mail?"

"Don't flip this around. We open each other's mail 'cause there's no secrets in this house, or at least that's what I thought.. I'm a ask you one more time.."

"You obviously know what it is.."

He looks at you like you better watch your tone.

"What you need it for?"

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