Waiting to Get Home, Part II

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Since y'all wanted the aftermath. This is nottttt a seriessss lmbooo. Their back and forth is just endless because of their relationship.


The second the car rolled to a stop in the parking lot outside of the tall multi-windowed building, Bethany popped the passenger door open and rolled from the seat, scooting toward the glass double-door as she pulled her faux fur jacket around her tightly. She pulled her keyring from her pocket and twisted the jagged key into the lock, flinging the door wide and scooting into the building. Her heels clacked as she triple pushed the elevator call button, hitting it twice more when she saw Erik coming through the double doors. He didn't even have any bags in his hand! Why did everything have to be so slow?

She watched him closely from the corner of her eye with her finger pressed against the call button, antsy. Her leg was bouncing impatiently. He left the bags in the trunk! She knew he was going to do something to her, she just didn't know when.

"If you touch me, I'm telling my dad," she muttered watching the floor light indicator while pushing the button three more times.

Erik stood a foot away from Bethany, with his hands casually in his pockets. He shrugged, standing in wait for the elevator.

"They got cameras out here," she reminded.

"I know."

His brows were high, face set. It shot Bethany's nerves because she knew all of his faces and she knew this one especially. He was itching to fuck her up. She would fuck her up too if she were him.

The elevator doors separated and Erik stepped in nonverbally giving Bethany the option to join him with direct eye contact, his hands still rested in his pockets.

"STOOOP," she whined throwing her head back in a small tantrum.

He still looked threatening even when he was trying not to be because it was a lie and Bethany saw through it to the side of him that others didn't have the pleasure to experience. He reached out to hold the 'doors open' button and in her mind she saw him lunging at her. She flinched.

"Erik, STOP," she whined again, her face in a stressed pout. He was unpredictable today and she didn't like being jumpy.

"You doin too much," Erik mumbled watching her jittery behavior. "Bethany? Calm down. Get in the elevator and let's go home... Or don't," he shrugged releasing the button. "Do what you want."

Nooo, Bethany whined internally.

She stepped into the elevator beside Erik and turned to watch the doors close before glancing up at him through her lashes. His lips were pursed and his jaw tensed. He wouldn't look at her and part of her said good but part of her demanded his immediate attention, just because! She frowned, quickly reaching out to touch the coarse dark hairs of his beard and he caught her hand in his tightly.

"To yourself," he muttered putting it down to her side. He'd just made it a game for her.

She stepped in front of him and grabbed the white cloth drawstring of his hoodie to see how close to touching him he'd let her get before they had to get off the elevator and go into the apartment. She gently twirled the string and chased it up with her fingertips to the skin of his neck as the elevator rose close to their floor at the very top.

As if it were pre-meditated, Erik reached by her waist and pushed the emergency stop button highlighted in red and the elevator bounced subtly before freezing right before it got to their floor. One floor off.

He shoved her harshly to she side wall past where he stood. Her hands went out to brace herself so her face didn't touch the wall as his left hand swung down in a lithe motion swatting hard on her ass again. She yelped, blocking his path with her hands and he pushed them out of the way.

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