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This is getting long so I'm breaking it into 2. Part 2 will be added here. You can see where this story is going though.

Part 1

Kasha smiled at the script in her hand with a soft chuckle. She could feel that she'd touched a nerve.

"I'm not saying you're lacking basic bedroom skills," she nearly whispered. "Obviously you have some ability there if you have women coming back. All I'm saying is.. you probably can't..," her voice lowered as she looked around to ensure no was listening, "..fuck as great as you think you can. You're too innocent. Plus… There are stories."

Michael kissed his teeth watching a keygrip roll a dolly across the hardwood to mount the camera. 

"What stories," he whispered. 

A light flashing the room drew Kasha's eye. It was bright. Someone going crazy with the key light. Michael touched her forearm lightly. 

"What you hear," he whispered leaning in for her attention. 

"Huh? Oh. So there's talk and word on the street is you're packing a lot," her eyes flashed subtly to his pants, "..and know how to use it."

His eyebrows lifted, a small smile of surprise on his lips.

"Stop," Kasha rolled her eyes quickly, "You knew that." 

His lips pressed tightly together as his cheeks rose, dimples sinking in. 

"You're so smug," Kasha smirked turning slightly in her chair to face him.
"That's the talk, but they also say you're basic. You fuck for fifteen to twenty minutes and you're out. Missionary, doggystyle, maybe a little side action.. and you're done."

Michael blinked.

"I do more than that, but I haven't had any complaints."

"Well, you're really sweet and you're not terrible in bed, so why would anyone complain to your face? Besides, you're rich and famous-"

"I'm not rich," Michael smiled. "I've got bills and shit to pay off. I'm not rich."

"You're blessed, let's say that," Kasha waved dismissively. "Moreso than many."

Michael hesitated.

"I'll take that. Continue."

"ANYWAY..," Kasha looked around subtly without her head moving. "You're one of those guys who thinks he puts in work but then the girl has to go home and watch porn or call someone else because something was missing. Like I said, you have some skill but… rumour has it… you're boring in bed."

Michael nodded slowly, his lips still pressed together.

"That's a lie," he whispered looking ahead. He released an indignant puff of air through his nostrils.

"If you say so," Kasha chuckled looking over the page in her hand. Michael's script was rolled up in his hand and resting on his thigh. 

"30 seconds! Let's go, let's go," Ryan called waving and rushing the setup. People worked in triple time. Kasha rose walking to her mark to pick up a checkered white and red towel followed by Michael who stood a foot away, finding his footing and position.. mentally getting back into character.

Every part of the set had been arranged with purpose and both Micheal and Kasha realized for the umpteenth time that they were living art dancing across the canvas painted by a mastermind. They could not ruin the masterpiece.

Kasha closed her eyes and when she opened them, she was Liv Joyner, the single mother of a gifted 8-year old boy. She was standing in her living room talking to Proffessor Mercury who was doing his best to convince her that her son should be at Mercury Kids Academy for Special Youth.

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