Chapter 18

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** Louis' POV **

I showed Dakota the video and she couldn't stop laughing the whole way through. I was happy that she liked it and at the end, in the bloopers, I put the clip of Harry flirting with the camera while I opened to door to Zayn, Liam and Niall. We spent the rest of the flight chatting and taking selfies and things. It was nice to have a proper chat with one of my fans, even though I don't like to call them that.

When I opened the door to my flat I breathed a sigh of relief. I was home. My new home. On my own. Without much furniture. I dumped my suitcase down by the washing machine to remind myself to put the dirty clothes in the wash then made my way to my bedroom.

I payed down on my bed and started to think of everything that went on during the weekend. So much happened it was hard for my brain to cope with. Then it dawned on me that I didn't spend much time doing the one this I go to vid on for, I didn't see much of my friends, and when I did Harry was still on my mind. I felt bad but everything happening with Harry seemed so important at the time.

I got my phone out and sent them all a group message.

To YouTube Group: Hi guys. I'm sorry I didn't spend much time with you bu-

Then my phone started to go into a buzzing and pinging mess. Messages kept popping up! They were so fast I couldn't even see who they were from. Then I got a call from Harry which I quickly answered.

"Louis?!" He sounded panicked.

"Yeah what?" I was utterly clueless.

He let out a big sigh. "Few. I have been trying to text you for like an hour and a half. I thought the plane had gone missing or something! They have been doing a lot of that recently!" I chuckled. My phone must have only just connected back onto English network.

"My phone has just gone berserk so it's probably only just got back onto English network. Sorry." I felt bad for making him worry about me but at the same time I'm glad he was worrying about me. It showed he cared.

"I'm glad you finally answered. I have to get on the plane soon and wanted to make sure you got home safely. Plus I missed you." I couldn't help but smile.

"I missed you too but can I ask you about something?" I asked him.

"Well if I can tell you the things I have I think you can tell me anything."
"Okay it's just I feel bad for not spending that much time with the YouTube crew. I'm so close to all of them and I hardly ever see most of them. I spent most of the weekend with you, not that it's a bad thing but I feel like- God. It's just me being stupid."

"If their your true friends you don't need to see them constantly to still be friends with them. Plus next time I come out to America you can come with me if you want. I think were coming back out next month some time."

"You are one in a million Mr Styles. I wish I was with you because I would kiss you."

"That rhymed" Harry giggled. I could imagine him smiling wide as his eyes lit up and he let the angelic sounds flow off his vocal cords.

Since when did I become so poetic.

"Hurry up and get your cute ass back to the uk." I tell him.

"And why should I do that?" He joked.

"I will wine and dine you then take you back to your house and tuck you up in bed like your mother would."

"And you were doing so well." He laughed. "What was that Paddy?" I could hear voices in the background.

"I'm sorry Lou I have to go. I will text you when I get off the plane." He said goodbye then hung up.

I finish the message I had started to type to my YouTube friends and send it them. I feel a weight lift off my chest as I get messages back saying that they would do the same if Harry came to them needing help. Of corse I didn't tell them the reason why I needed to help him, he would have been devastated if I had told them, but they knew it was something important. I don't give up my time for any old reason.

After that I go to my suitcase and unpack. I put all the clothes in the wash then grab my laptop. I had programmed the video to publish at 6pm and it was 5:50 right now so I had to tell social media about it.

I quickly sent out messages then my notifications started to go wild. This was normal. But it's not normally this wild.

I scrolled through and saw everyone was tweeting screenshots of these two tweets.

@Postylox: So Harry Styles from One Direction and a YouTuber Tommo91 asked for some alone time at the airport to say goodbye.
@Postylox: I didn't hear the whole convocation but I did hear the words "Can I kiss you?" Then kissy sounds!! Best day at work ever 😏

I wanted to scream at the lady. I went onto her profile and it was Lauren, the lady looking after us at the airport.

Why did she have to do this!?

Harry can't see it!

I text him to stay off social media then try to sort the problem out.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Ever joked about wanting to kiss someone because they made your day? Yah. It was that. Sorry to disappoint.


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