Chapter 14

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** Harry's POV **

I really wish I hadn't of pushed Lou in. That pool was colder than it looked!

"Come on love lets go get warm." Louis smiled at me and motioned towards the hotel.

"Okay" I followed him into the reception then into the lift. I couldn't help but think of when me and Lou were getting steamy in here. I smirked at the memory.

"What you thinking about?" Louis asked.

"The night of the party. When we were.. You know.. Getting steamy in here." My cheeks flushed and I looked down to the floor.

"Oh. I don't remember what we were doing. Why don't you show me?" He teased me but luckily the doors pinged and opened before he could say anything else.

"Your no fun." He laughed as I walked out of the lift. I could feel his eyes on my ass as I walked up to the familiar doorway.

"Key?" I asked him.

"I know you want to get in there and blow me but you have to wait a second!" Again he laughed and it was starting to make me uncomfortable..

"I think I might go have a shower in my room then I might meet with you later." Then I walked back to the lift and went to my floor.

As I step back into the lift I let out a sigh.

I liked Louis, a lot, I knew what he was like because just the same in his videos but now he was actually joking around with me it made me feel uncomfortable..

I just need to get comfortable with my.. Well.. I guess its my new self.

I need to get away from it all.

I'm glad this is the last day of events. It means we go back to England in the morning. Okay it might mean that I won't get to see Louis each day but I can still see him. Right?

Gah! I was over thinking things now. I didn't even realise I was back in my room, phone in hand, about to call Louis.

I quickly ended the call before Louis answered though.

I started to run myself a bath when I decided to go on Twitter.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Had a brilliant weekend. Met someone who I have wanted to meet for a while and kinda messsed it up.

It was the first tweet I saw. Right at the top on my timeline. I knew he was talking about me. It was clear.

@Harry_Styles: @Louis_Tomlinson You didn't mess it ALL up. Just a bit of it ;)

My finger hovered over the send button, wondering if I should send it or not.


I sent it.

Within minutes it was all over twitter that I had been with Louis and both fandoms were going wild.

Now I needed to tweet something strange to balance it up. I looked towards the bath and saw the bubbles about to overflow.

@Harry_Styles: Bubbles overflowing..

** Louis' POV **

When I saw Harry's tweet back I felt relieved. I knew I just needed to give him some space. But I had to see him before we went back to England.

I quickly had a shower then made my way to Louis Coles room as I knew everyone was gathering there for a party kind of thing.

I whacked on some jeans and a T-shirt with a thin hoodie over the top on and left my room.

I made my way down the hall to the lift and then went down the the floor below. A few steps down the hall I could hear the laughter through the door, I definitely had the right room!

I knocked on the door and Louis answered. "Hey mate! Thought you were having a bath with that guy from 4D. Come in, come in!" Louis is one of those people who is kind to everyone and never gudges.

"Thanks." I step in and everyone looks towards me with a smile happy to see me.

"Come sit were about to play cards again humanity." Louis told me once everyone had said hi.

We all sat down and played the truly hilarious game until our sides were about to split from laughter. After that we sat around and chatted for a long while. We talked about things we wanted to do and places we wanted to go in the rest of the year. Louis topped us all as normal by saying he was going to road trip around South America which we were all jealous of.

We decided to go out for dinner, as none of us wanted to clean up the mess of cooking or ordering room service, so we decided on going into a small Italian restaurant just a few miles from the hotel.

Around by the Italian was lots of bars and shops. There was also a fro-yo shop so I demanded we going there for pudding.

We went into the restaurant and were greeted by a kind man in a white shirt with a black boys tie and black trousers. He was no bigger than Zoe.

"Welcome, welcome! Big group? I'll get table!" Then he ran off and started pushing lots of tables together. There was only around 10 of us but it looked like there was enough seats for 20!

He came back over and lead us to the table handing us menus once we had sat down.

He walked off to go and serve a couple who had walked through the door once he had read us the specials.

It didn't take us long to choose what we wanted and order so quite quickly the flamboyant man was back over.

Jim started to get slightly annoyed when he started to compliment Tanya but I whispered to him, as he was sat next to me, that he was clearly gay and was just being nice. He still didn't feel too keen about the waiter being so complimentary so he laced his fingers with hers under the table then placed them on the table.

The waiter stopped as soon as he saw the hands. He must have noticed Jim was pissed. Everyone found it funny how protective Jim was of Tan, it was sweet though.

After our food had arrived and we had all tucked it my phone started to go off.

It was Harry..


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By the way it was my birthday this week! I'm finally 15! Woo!

+ who watches Lush on YouTube?! They are like soooooooo cute! I love them!

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