Chapter 8

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** Louis POV **

I woke up to the sound of crying. I didn't know who it was but when my eyes adjusted I saw Harry crying.

I was confused. Why was he in my Hotel room?

"Um. Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked. My head was pounding from my hangover.

"I-I woke up here. My ass is painful and I'I think we.." He then let our another sob.

"Are you okay? Can I do anything to help?" I crawled down to the bottom of the bed where Harry was sat, fully dressed where as I was naked as the day I was born, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Get away from me. I-I can't be here!" With that he ran to the door and ran out.

I would have followed him but I needed to put something on. Instead I texted Louise.

To Mummy Lou: Come next door.

After about a minute there was a knock on the door so I shouted to her to come in, I was fumbling with my boxers but she had seen me like this loads before so it was almost normal.

"Oh Lou put your perfect ass away would you." Louise laughed when she saw me.

"You love it really!" I joked.

"Yeah you have a point! Anyway why am I in your room and probably about to get into your bed?"

"Well. I'm confused and having guy drama. I think I'll join you in bed." Louise was still in her pyjamas, had no makeup on and her glasses. She looked much better like this than with all her makeup on.

"What has Harry said now?" Louise knew me far too well.

"Well we.. Uhr.. Slept together.. Last night then this morning I woke up to him crying at the end of the bed and then when I asked if he was okay he told me he couldn't be here then ran out. Last night he was all over me though! Begin too!"

"I know I heard. These walls aren't the thickest.."

"I'm sorry. You don't get it though. I want to get to know the realHarry not the person the public knows. He won't allow himself to be gay."

"Well Lou you have to convince him you want him. Convince him not to worry about other people. Convince him that you, his friends, family and everyone loves him for who he is." Louise was always best with this advice.

"So if I can get him to talk to me again I should try and get to know him and make himself comfortable with being gay?" I confirmed

"Yeah. Your welcoming them onto the main stage aren't you?"

"Yeah should I talk to him after his performance?" Had she already thought this through?


"Okay. Now can we order some room service? I'm hungry and I didn't even get to taste Harry's dick last night." I knew this would make Louise cringe. That's why I did it! She hates us saying anything sexual around her!

"Yuck! Don't want to know about your gay sex antics! You have to call them now I'm not!" I laughed and did as I was told.

** Harry's POV **

When I got to my room jumped onto my bed and laid face down in the covers crying. I was crying because I like Louis but I couldn't tell him. I cried because I knew no one would except me like this and most of all I cried because of who I am.

I couldn't do anything to stop myself being this way, feeling this way. Believe me I had tried everything! I slept with countless different women braking all each of their hearts when I wasn't there in the morning.

I hated myself for being so horrible to them. I hated myself for I kept drifting to the gay clubs. Each morning after I would check twitter and it would be rife with photos, rumors and hate messages. I often just went on there looking for a reason to cry.

I thought these girls were our fans but they hated me for something that really didn't effect them and it ripped me apart because they always say the will support us in everything we do when in actual fact they don't.

I'm not even sure the boys knew I was gay. I think they had an idea but I hadn't confirmed anything to them. I couldn't even look in the mirror and say I was those three horiffic letters.

I was so focused so much on my own tears I didn't hear the door open.

"H?" Zayn's smooth voice questioned. I looked up and his face was filled with worry. "Are you okay? Where were you last night?" He paused for a moment. "Do you need a hug?" I nodded and he quickly pulled me up from lying down and brought me into his side.

"You know you can tell me, and the other boys, anything. Please tell me what happened last night. I saw you with that YouTuber you like." He whispered into my hair.

"I can't say it." I said in a shaky voice.

"Say what? What happened last night?"

"There's more than just that." I wanted to tell Zayn so bad but I couldn't physically say it..

"Then tell me. If you can't then write it down." Zayn pointed to the notepad and pen on the bedside table complimentary of the hotel.

I guess that was the only way I could tell him if I couldn't say it. I grabbed the paper and pen and wrote everything down. Everything from me being gay to sleeping with Louis to not being able to tell anyone because of their reactions then handed it to Zayn.

He read it once and then again to confirm it. "I thought that was the case." He smiled down to me. "You don't have to hide your true self from me and the boys. We will love you just the same! Your family will too."

"But I know you guys will its the fact that I get hate for being me. Being gay will just add to it." I confessed.

"Well you don't have to tell the world until you start a relationship with someone. Come out to Niall and Liam then we can help you to tell your family and maybe Louis too. Hows about that?" I had already told Louis. Sort of.

I sighed I guess then I can be my true self around everyone.



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