Chapter 22

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** Louis' POV **

"I should probably get going." Harry said after we had eaten our dinner. We had spent the afternoon at the park playing around with Darcy then we came back to the flat and cooked dinner. While we were cooking Darcy had told us we looked like we were in love. If I was honest I was quite surprised because she knew I was gay but I didn't know she knew what love was then she went on to tell us how we looked like her mummy and daddy when they were complaining that the other was cooking dinner wrong.

"Don't go Harry!" Darcy pouted.

"Yeah don't go Harry! We want you to stay!" I joined in. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted him to stay the night so we could cuddle in bed.

"I have no clothes, no tooth brush, nothing." He tried to reason.

"Well we can quickly go to yours and get you some can't we." I smirked at him and he gave in.

"Okay I'll stay." He smiled and Darcy cheered.

"Go get your shoes on Darcy." I told her.

"Well that didn't take much convincing." I whisper to him and he pulled me in for a hug.

"You know I love cuddling with you. It's my weakness." He whispered in my ear making shivers erupt up and down my spine.

"Come on." I pulled back and took his hand in mine leading him to the door.

Once we arrived at Harry's house both me and Darcy were awe. The house, or more like mansion, was very modern but had a very classy elements to it like posh bits of art and chandeliers.

"Louis you need to get used to this. Next time your sleeping round mine. This house is hardly used as it is!" He looked at me seriously.

"Well I don't mind that." I wiggled my eyebrows and he laughed. "I bet that bed hasn't even been christened has it." I smirked.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON. We have a minor with us." He pointed to Darcy.

"Didn't stop you earlier." I knew I was working him up that's why I continued.

"Harry what's he talking about?" Darcy asked him and I burst out laughing.

"You will find out when your older princess." Harry was bright red. "Okay let me go grab some things. Don't ruin that child's innocence any more than you already have Tommo!" He shouted as he ran up the stairs.

I laughed and lead Darcy to the sofa. "When we get back you need to go to bed okay?" I told her once we were sat down.

"Ow but I want to stay up like a big girl!" She complained.

"Darcy, I want to ask Harry on a date. I want it to be special and romantic so please be a good girl and do as I say." She looked up at me with a big smile on her face.


""You have to keep it a secret though. Don't tell him. Promise?" I warned her then stuck out my pinky.

"Of corse!" She beamed and hooked her pinky with mine. We always kept our pinky promises.

"Okay I have everything. We going to go back then?" Harry walked into the room with a Louis Vuitton sports bag slung over his shoulder.

It was already 8 o'clock by the time we got back to the flat. It was a Saturday night so the traffic was a nightmare!

"Lou Lou should I go to bed now?" She asked and I smiled down at her.

"Yes please Darcy. Do you want us to come and tuck you in?" She nodded her head so me and Harry followed her to her bedroom.

We quickly said goodnight and Harry sung to her for a bit then once she was about to fall asleep we both kissed her forehead then walked out of the room closing the door behind us.

When we went back into the living room me and Harry both sat down on the sofa. "I have never seen a child ask if they should go to bed." He chuckled.

"She's not normally that good it's just I asked her earlier." Harry gave me a slightly confused look.

"Well I don't know how to ask you this as I have always been the one being asked but- now I'm rambling- would you want to go on a date with me? We're pretty much acting like boyfriends already and what Darcy said earlier sort of kicked my ass into gear."

"That must have been a mighty kick because that ass of yours isn't exactly small!" He giggled.

"So out of all of that you pick up on the size of my ass! Well at least you have your priorities right." We both laughed.

"Of corse Louis. I would love to go on a date with you." He then leaned over and kissed my lips.

"One quick question. Do you know anywhere no one will bother us?" I really didn't want Harry to feel uncomfortable about being on a date with another man and to make sure that didn't happen I had to make sure no newspapers or magazines or fans knew where we were or that we were on a date.

"Yeah there's a very small restaurant in a back ally of London. Lots of celebrity's go there but no paparazzi are allowed anywhere near it. Plus no one really bothers anyone because we only go to that restaurant if we don't want to be disturbed. Lots of first dates, affairs and business deals are done there. I saw Prince Harry and Emma Watson there the other week and now there's rumours their dating." He smiled.

"That sounds amazing! I think we will go there then. I just want you to be happy on the date because you have never been with a guy before and I-" Harry shut me up with another kiss.

"Stop rambling love. However sweet it is I just want to have a cup of tea and cuddle with you." He had a cute yet goofy smile on his face.

"Milk and sugar?"

"A dash of milk no sugar. I'm sweet enough!" His cheesy line spade me chuckle.


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