Chapter 12

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** Harry's POV **

Louis and the others said their goodbyes to the croud then ran back stage. I was so proud of them all! I think they were better on stage than I am! Okay they don't have to sing but their still very good.

I walked over to where they were all hugging and congratulating each other. As soon as Louis saw me he ran over and tightly wrapped his arms around me. I stumbled back a bit at first but then hugged him back just as tight.

"You did really well." I leaned my head down so I could whisper it to him. When Louis was there it made me feel protected, like we were in our bubble and no one could pop it.


I saw a flash and I jumped away from him. Louis tried to come over to me and see what was up but I pushed him away. "Who took the photo!?" I needed to know.

Everyone looked at me like I was mad but I really needed to know they wouldn't post it anywhere. "I just thought it was a cute moment." Louise spoke out.

"Well don't. Delete the photo." And with that I ran out. I can't have any of this getting out. Sure I want to tell people but I'm scared of what they will say..

I knew I couldn't go back to the hotel without the group or a security guard of some sort so instead I ran into a back room that was empty. I needed to think.

** Louis POV **

Once Harry stormed off everyone started to take the piss saying it was his time of the month and he was over exaggerating but I knew that he just didn't want the photo to be put on twitter. The poor boy was so scared of what people would say.

"Shut up about Harry. You don't have a clue what's going on for him at the moment. Louise send me the photo and delete it from your phone." With that I walked out to try and find Harry.

I knew he wouldn't have gone out side of the conference centre as he didn't want to get bombarded with fans. I looked around the back stage area and eventually came across a door that was slightly open. I could see Harry's pulled back curles so I opened the door slowly.

He had his phone in front of him on Face Time to someone. He couldn't see me as his back was turned but the person he was talking to could. "Harry is this that Louis then?" It sounded like his mum.

Harry turned around. He had faint tear marks on his cheeks as if he had been crying but he was now smiling at me. "Hey are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded then turned back to his phone. "Yes mum, that Louis." Harry patted the seat next to him on the sofa as if to say 'come sit' so I did.

"So you two finally met then? I know Harry has loved your videos for a while and he's always saying how your a fan of him and his band!" I blushed and nodded.

"Yeah I express how much of a fan I am in my videos. I have been meaning to ask actually Harry would you be up for being in a video?"

Harry's eyes lit up then he hugged me. "Yes! Yes yes yes!" Harry's mum laughed at us.

"Its like he just asked you to marry him or something." We started to laugh with her.

"Harry you seem happier now Louis with you. I guess I should go. I'll talk you you later love." She belw a kiss at the camera and Harry copied before they said goodbye and hung up.

"You want to go tell Niall and Liam?" I asked Harry and he looked nervous.

"Only if we film a video together after!" He pouted. And I agreed. I will admit I really wanted to kiss his full, gorgeous, pouty lips but I know better.

We both go up and tried to work our way out of the incredibibly confusing building.


We found our way back to the hotel without being bothered by fans and Harry quickly changed into some of his own clothes.

We returned the clothes to Jim then went to find Niam. We found them in the hotel bar having a chat with Zayn about somds band things.

"Uh guys can we um- I mean I speak to you?" Harry asked. He was so nervous bless him.

"Yeah sure H. Go grab some chairs, sit." Niall said pointing to two chairs at a table no one was sitting on.

Once we were all sat down Harry grabbed my hand under the table before he started to speak. "I have known something for a while but Louis helped me kinda confirm it the other night. Before I said it to Louis I couldn't even say it aloud, I had to write it down when I told Zayn." He took a deep breath and I started to rub his hand slightly under the table.

** Harry's POV **

I was about to say it. The words were at the back of my throat. All I had to do was say them. That was the hard bit though.

"You can do it Harry." Louis smiled at me.

"I'm gay." Niall and Liam looked kinda shocked at first but then they both had beaming smiles.

I turn to Louis and he looks like a proud father. "Well done" he mouths.

"I'm proud of you for telling us Harry." Liam got up, came round to me and gave me a hug.

It felt like a huge weight had been taken off of my shoulders. "Thank you."

"So who else have you told?" Niall asked me.

"Uh.. Well there's You lot, my mum, dad, Robbin, Gem and that's it I think."

"Louise, one of my closest friends, knows what went on the other night but that's it." Louis told me.

"Oh.. Okay." I was kind of annoyed he told her but I guess I would have done the same if someone slept with me then the next morning cried and ran out.

"So what happened the other night?" Liam asked.

"Oh.. Well.. Uh.." I stuttered.

"We fucked." Louis smirked. He knew I would be embarrassed but he also knew I would find his bluntness kind of funny.

"Yeah. That." I knew my cheeks were bright red but I didn't really care.

"So what are you two now then? Dating or fuck buddy's?" Zayn sniggered.

"Were just taking every day as it comes." Louis looked over at me and gave me and angelic smile.

That won't last long.


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