Chapter 16

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** Harry's POV **

I woke up the next morning with Louis legs tangled around mine, his arm around my waist and I must have flipped over in my sleep because my head was on Louis cheat. He was so warm and cuddly I loved it.

Waking up in his bed was much better this time than it was the first time, I didn't feel sick and ashamed of myself. This time it felt good, so so good I would do it every morning if I had the chance.

Louis must have sensed me waking up as he also started to wake. "Morning" his eyes fluttered open and his voice was deep.

"Morning boo bear." I smiled.

"I know I have to get up and pack to go home but I want to stay here forever. Your so cuddly." He nuzzled himself into me and closed his sleep filled eyes again.

"We both have to pack. I'm going home today too." I whisper to him.

"I like it here though. I can see you everyday." He pouted his eyes still shut.

"You won't be able to see me everyday but we can still see each other back in England." Louis then opened his eyes and looked up at me with sadness in his eyes. He looked so small and cute.

"Don't give me those eyes. I would literally quit my job to be with you every second of the day as long as you don't ever pull that face." Louis laughed.

"Okay don't go that far." Louis smiled again. After that we both got out of bed and I helped Louis to pack his things away into his suitcase and yes I did tease him about his colourful undies choices but when he pulled out a pair with the ass of them missing he smirked and I simply threw them into the suitcase and shut it. I refuse to look at that underwear again.

After we had finished we both realized how hungry we actually were. "Why don't you drop me at the airport and we get something to eat there?" Louis suggested.

"I would like that." I smiled fondly at him. "I just need to check in with security and change and then we can go." Louis changed as we packed so he was in some simple sweats, one of his own tops, some vans and a snap back.

He looked cute.

Oh no.. My gay is showing..

Oh well.

As long as it doesn't show to the fans.

"HAROLD!!" Louis screamed in my ear.

"What?" My hearing had gone funny thanks to him.

"You blanked out on me and weren't responding. What was I supposed to do? Talk and you not listen?" Louis questioned.

"Well that's what happens most of the time you talk." The smirk on my face didn't last long once Louis pulled my pants down to my ankles, a task that I quite often struggle with so I have no clue how he did it so fast, then whipped out his phone and snapped a photo. He then went onto grab his suitcase and walk out the room.

How he did all of that so fast I have no clue.

I pulled my jean up and ran out the door, still doing them up, to find Louis outside on the floor LITERALLY rolling around laughing.

"How did you even do that!?" I questioned and he simply laughed more.

"I'll leave you here. I'm going to change. When you can finally stop laughing go down to reception and sign out." Then I rolled my eyes and went down the hall to the lift.

** Louis POV **

When I finally finish laughing I go down to the reception and hand over my keys and things when I look over to the sofas the YouTube crew are all sat around as if waiting to go somewhere. That's when I remember their going to Disney.

I quickly walk over to them to say goodbye and what not before Harry arrives with a tall buff guy who looks to be in his mid 40's.

"I can only come with you if Andy comes and we take the back entrance of the airport." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Hi Andy I'm Louis." I stick out my hand and he shakes it saying hello back.

"I don't see why you have to come your just annoying." Harry sighs as Andy drives us to the airport. It's good that he's taking us because it means I don't have to pay the stupid price of a taxi ride going just a few miles.

"Scared I might share all your deepest darkest secrets to your crush?" Andy is a right laugh. He hasn't told a single unfunny story about life with Four Direction.

"No but the story of the onetime you saw me and Niall comparing dick sizes and wanking techniques was a tad uncalled for." Harry returns.

"Yeah but if wasn't just the once was it though. It happened again just a few weeks ago when you were having a band shower after the show in Milan.

"Oh shut it would you." Then Harry started to sulk but it was so cute I took a quick photo on my phone.

"Hey!" Harry protested.

"You looked cute." I shrugged.

"Let's just get to the airport already." Harry seemed annoyed but I knew he was only playing.

We arrived at the airport not long after. Harry and I got out and Harry grabbed my bag, I told him to give it to me but he said no.

"If you could wait in here for you flight please that would be safer. Would you like any food or drinks brought to you?" The kind lady in her early 20's asked us. She looked like she was about to burst from happiness that Harry Styles was sat right in front of her.

"Uh yeah could you bring us like a bacon sandwich and a coffee each?" Harry suggested and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that's all thanks." Harry smiled at the lady then she ran off to go get our food.


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