Chapter 23

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** Louis' POV **

The next day Louise and Matt arrived and picked up Darcy as they didn't want to drive back to Northampton in the dark and it was already getting late. After that I had some editing to do but Harry wanted to stick around so he lazed on the sofa while I edited together the clips of the vlogs from VidCon and yesterday.

Some time during the editing Harry walked over to me and started to watch. He seemed fascinated by how the few clicks of my mouse could chop and change bits of footage.

After that was all done I posted one of the vlogs as a surprise for my viewers then tweeted telling them that I will post another one if they get it to 50K thumbs up, which I assumed they would do in no time.

Later on that night they did to I posted another vlog and then Harry booked the restaurant for our date. Then we had a fight over who would pay the bill, mind you we hadn't even gone on the date yet, it was booked for Friday.

We ordered take out and sat down to watch some Saturday Night Take Away. (A/N Its a programme with Ant and Dec, basically a big game / prank / funny to show on a Saturday night) After eating Harry said goodbye and left. It felt weird being home lone after having two very close friends around all weekend.

In a way the flat felt lonely and empty.

What could I do that involved people and staying at home?

I whipped out my phone and get people to tweet me questions for a Q&A! Plus that would mean that next weeks video would be sorted! The questions flooded in so quickly I couldn't keep track so I waited till it had calmed down before choosing some to answer.

I would say 99.9% of them were about the video with Four Direction.

Because of that I tweet again 'Okay fuck the Q&A you guys obviously only want to know about one thing!'

I turn on the camera and start to talk. "Hi guys Louis The Tommo Tomlinson here with yet another video! So this video was originally going to be a Q&A but y'all only wanted to hear about one thing. So in this video I will be telling you how I ended up filming with Four Direction." I paused for a bit thinking how to start but then I gave up and decided to simply tell them the truth.

"On the day before VidCon actually started John and Hank Green the organisers of VidCon asked all the creators to meet in the conversation centre. When we got there we were told that Four Direction we're going to be special guests for the weekend. The boys played some songs and chatted with us all for a bit before Liam I think was singled me out and told me that Harry really liked my videos! I was so embarrassed because you all know how much detail I go into about how much I love him! Afterwards we had a chat on our own then that evening we met at the welcome party for creators. We had one hell of a night and if I'm honest I can't remember much of it." I laugh slightly. "Throughout the weekend we kept meeting and we spent most of our time together. I don't regret it but I do wish I had filmed more colabs because I know how much you guys like my videos with other YouTubers. I would go into detail about what we did together but I know he wants his privacy as lots of his life is already known to the world. On the day of our flights home Harry took me to the airport and we were joking around quite a bit, that's when the.. Lovely.." I said sarcastically "lady overheard me saying to Harry I could kiss him. The kiss never happened so please don't pester us both about it. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways but only for a few hours because once Harry landed in the UK he came over to my flat. Since then we have stayed quite close friends and have seen each other a few times when Harry hasn't been working. I will probably not edit this so you have got the 100% true story. I hope you enjoyed this quick video! The next video I film will be a Q&A so please leave your questions below, I won't answer any about my friendship with Four Direction though so please don't leave questions about them. I will see you next week with a new video, comment, like and subscribe! BYE!"

With that I stopped the recording and and checked the footage to make sure it was all in focus. Luckily it was so I turned the camera off and plugged it into my computer to add in my introduction and end-slate.

After that I saved the video and looked at the time. It was almost 11PM but I wasn't really that tired so I decided to simply scroll through Tumblr and reply to fans on Twitter for the rest of the night.


Please vote and comment lots if you liked this chapter!!

Sorry for a really shitty chapter.. If you have any ideas for things to happen in this story please comment it or DM me :) x.

There probably won't be any updates for a while as I want to write a few chapters so I'm a few chapters ahead of what I'm posting.

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