Chapter 4

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** Louis POV **

I had filmed a few things when we got to the airport and then again in the taxi but now I we had got to the hotel. Me and Louise had got rooms next to each other but the rest of our group had rooms spread out around the hotel.

Louise had just gone into her room but I wanted to vlog my reaction so I got ny camera out and turned it on.

I opened the door of my room and gasped. "I know they have re - done the rooms since the last Vidcon but this is amazing!" I told the camera.

The room was very minimal and tumblr style but it was one of the most amazing rooms I had ever seen! I first dropped my bags and went to the bathroom.

It was bright. There was a massive mirror across one wall and a massive bath on the other side. There was also a shower with a glass door. "Well this is very posh!" I commented.

"Lets go see what the beds like." I walked over to the chest of drawers in front of the bed that had a tv and other things on and set the camera there before running and jumping onto the bed. It was like I was falling and angles were catching me.

I don't think I have ever felt anything so soft! "This bed is the softest soft thing you have ever touched! This would be perfect for a Vidcon romance." I smirked at the camera then hip thrusted up.

My viewers knew I was very dirty minded so they would probably laugh at that.

"Lets go look at the balcony." I grabbed my camera and took it out to the French doors that lead to the massive balcony. On the balcony was a table and chairs, three sunbeds and an airer. The view was amazing too! "Ah good I can stay here and sun bathe! I won't have to leave my room for anything but my meet ups and my main stage performance." I then laughed.

"Yeah right you know me! I never stay in my room long at these things! I love going out and meeting you lot!" I walked back into the room and sat on the bed.

"So earlier while I was at the airport Harry tweeted abiut comeing here to Anaheim for the weekend. By the time this goes up I would have probably already know if he's here or not but if you directioners have any information at all tweet me it or leave it in the comments! I think I'm going to go see Louise now as she's just next door and probably listened when everyone said what room they were in." I switched my camera off before getting into some shorts and a tank top.

It was really warm!

I applied some more deodorant before heading next door.

I knocked on Louise door like any normal person would. I could hear her come up to the door and look through the eye pice and then she told me it was the wrong knock. "You know the special YouTuber knock!" I rolled my eyes and copied the start of the 'Do You Want To Build A Snowman' from frozen *knock, knock, knock-knock, knock* "Do you want to build a snowmannnn?" I sung abd she opened the door.

"Thats better!"she beamed but I rolled my eyes.

"If you say so. What do you want to do today? I know at 5PM John and Hank have that announcement that I want to go to. Only creators allowed at the main stage but we have-" I glanced at the clock "3 hours till that."

"Okay well I think I might go see Troye and Tyler as they are staying a few doors down and I know you and Tyler will probably want to 'chat'" she air quoted.

"Hey! We are friends not just sex buddys!"

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that." Louise rolled her eyes.

We walked down the hall to room 256 and Louise did the 'YouTuber knock' we do this at events so we can tell if its a fan or a friend. If its a fan we can call reception and get them taken out as this hotel was especifically for YouTubers and Vidcon staff.

Troye opened the door and had a massive smile on his face.

"Hey guys! We were just about to come find you!" I had always loved Troye's accent!

"Well we beat you to it!" Louise laughed.

"Is that my two Lou's?!" I heard Tyler shout. "You bet!" We shouted back.

Troye let us in and Tyler was sat on his bed on his phone. He caught a glimpses of us and sprung up from his bed to come and hug us.

"I haven't seen you two in agesss!" He gushed.

He hugged Louise then hugged me but just before he let me go he pinched my ass.

"You dog Tyler." I tutted.

"Will we be hooking up at some point then?" Tyler asked.

"Well let's get pissed one night then we will go from there." I winked at him.

"Yuck! Please I'm in the room next door to Louis!" Louise gagged. Me, Tyler and Troye just laughed.

We spent the few hours before the announcement sat in Troylers room having a laugh. Zoe and Alfie turned up after a while and after them so did Tanya and Jim.

It was nice to have everyone around having fun and joking around. Of corse we got on each others nerves every so often but didn't everyone? We were truly a family. Everyone was excepted and no one was made to feel uncomfortable, we could all be ourselfs and not have to worry!

After about an hour of chatting and two hours of Cards Against Humanity we decided to head down to the convention centre. There were lots of fans walking around and we were asked to take loads of photos but we didn't mind. We loved it actually!

Once we were fan free we headed into the convention centre and saw the Green brothers on the stage with a group of creator's in front of them. "Hurry up! Was Tomlinson taking too long with his hair again?" John called me out.

"That was one time! John!" Everyone laughed and I shook my head.

"Okay so is that everyone?" We all looked around and unisoned a 'yes'

"Good. Now as you guys know Vidcon gets bigger and bigger each year. This year is no different! This year we have..." Thats when my favourite song ststarted to play.

I turned to Tyler and jumped up and down screaming!

All the boys walked onto the stage and I was so happy I could have fainted.

Four Direction were on the stage right in front of me.


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