Chapter 29

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** Harry's POV **

When I got back to my house everyone was sat around the kitchen table having a laugh so I bypassed them and went straight to my bedroom to get some peace. In a way I didn't want to see Louis right now. I know he will be able to take my mind off things but I just wanted some alone time to take a nap or something.

I sat down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Thoughts were swimming around my mind. Why couldn't I just be normal? Why couldn't I be straight? It would be so much easier! I wouldn't have to go on fake dates with stuck up bitches. I could find myself a beautiful, polite, adorable girlfriend and I could be happy.

I sighed as the door opened. "Not now Louis."

"I hope I don't look like Louis." Sophia's voice rang softly through the air.

"Sorry. I just thought it would be Louis coming to check on me." I apologised.

"He hasn't stopped worrying about you since you left. We had to take his phone off him to make sure he didn't text you every two seconds. I was talking to him earlier and, I'm only saying this because he will never tell you this himself, he was worried you would like her and fall for her. He's worried you won't want to put up with the beards. He's scared you will end up falling for a girl."

"If I'm honest I was just thinking about that. It would be so much easier if I could find a girl who loved me and I loved back. It would make my life so much easier." I was getting frustrated with myself.

"Could you love a girl as much as you love Louis?" That made me think..

"I honestly don't know." I looked down to my lap.

"Anyway Louis asked me to come and ask you if you wanted to go out still?" I didn't really want to. All I wanted to do was curl up and sleep, the jet lag was getting to me, you would have thought I would be used to the time difference as I'm always going between the two countries.

"Yeah. I guess." I pushed myself up off the bed, as did Sophia, and walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"You may have him now Louis. I have worked my magic." The rest of the guys laughed but Louis instantly ran up and hugged me! It was as if he was a doggie with a treat on his nose and he had finally been told he could eat.

"Calm down Prince Charming!" I laughed as he almost knocked me down.

"I missed you!" He stood on his tippy toes to kiss me.

"Missed you too." I chuckled slightly against his lips.

"I don't know if I want to say 'Awh' or puke." Liam joked.

"Leave them alone. Their in love!" Zayn smiled at us fondly like a father whose daughter had just got married.

"So you want to go out?" Louis asked.

"Yeah. Might as well. I have nothing better to do." I shrugged.

"Fuck you." Louis smirked and grabbed a bottle of vodka. "I think I'm going to need this if you're coming." We got our shoes on and left the house. I went towards the car but louis stopped me.

"Nope we're going on a walk." He put the bottle of vodka in the pocket and held my hand.

We walked through the dark, peaceful neighbourhood and up into the hills of California.

Once we were off the streets we had to use our phone torches to light our way, which caused our phone battery's to drop to almost 10%, but once we got to the top it was well worth it!

The view of the city was amazing. The bright lights and haunting sounds were irrelevant now we were up above it all. It was almost silent and the glow of the lights had no effect.

Louis sat down and pulled the bottle of vodka from his pocket. "Want some?" He then opened it and took a gulp.

"Yes please." He passed it to me and I copied his previous action. The vodka was sharp on my tongue.

"It's nice to escape the buzz of the city isn't it." Louis spoke up taking the bottle back and taking another, smaller, sip.

"I need it after this afternoon."

"How was she?" He asked.

"A stuck up bitch like we predicted." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the bottle and took another sip.

"Well if she ever annoys you too much you can call me and I will tell her where to stick her unimportant opinion." Louis then clicked his fingers in a 'Z' formation and I laughed.

"Calm down love I can fight my own battles." I chuckled slightly.

"Sorry but I have to protect my baby! What sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't sass a bitch or two for you!?" He asked seriously then burst out laughing!

"A normal one!" I laughed.

We continued to chat, laugh and drink into the early morning before we decided to go back to the house.

We walked a different way down the hill to the way up as I was convinced I knew another way, but that may have been my drunken subconscious.

We walked and walked and walked until we came across a dirt road and some animals. "Look! A chicken is crossing the road!" Louis pointed and laughed. I laughed with him.

"Let's ask it why!" I laughed and ran up to it. It ran away but I continued to chase it.

"Mr Chicken, why did you cross the road!?" I imagined I had a microphone in my hand and pointed it towards the chicken.

I looked back at Louis and pouted. "I don't think he likes me. I only want to ask it one question."

"It's obviously a very rude chicken!" Louis ran up to me and lifted me up to cradle me but he failed horribly and ended up falling backwards with me on top of him.

"Let's call Liam. We're going to be arrested if we continue like this." I laughed and Louis joined me.

"It's been a good night though." I smiled as Louis pulled out his phone.


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