Chapter 24

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** Louis' POV **

I woke up the next morning I woke up to the evil sound of my alarm clock. I groaned and rolled over to turn it off. When I looked at my phone I saw I had a reminder for my meeting at 1PM, it was 9AM now, and a text from Harry.

I dismissed the reminder then clicked on the text. It read:

Morning sleepy head! You want to meet for lunch later? The boys and I have meetings all day but we have a two hour lunch brake. Message me back if your interested. H x

I smiled at my phone and quickly replied: Sure! I have a meeting at 1 but I'm free till then! L x

Meet you at 11 by the restaurant I pointed out to you on the way to my house to get clothes the other day! I will send you directions. H x

He then sent another message with the address and postcode so I knew where I was going.

I quickly got out of bed, had a shower and got changed into some smart jeans and a shirt as I knew I had to dress semi smart for my meeting and the restaurant was extremely posh too!

After that I strolled back into the bathroom to brush my teeth before going into my editing room and checking my emails. I spent about an hour reading through them and emailing people back about projects and promotions I could partake in and then it was time to leave.

I programmed the destination into my maps system on my phone then I went out of my flat, locking it, then out of the building to my car which was parked just down the street.

It didn't take me long to get to the gleam offices as they were fairly close and most people were at work already so the traffic wasn't that bad.

I walked up the countless stairs to the Gleam offices and pressed the buzzer.

"Hello? Who is it?" Maddie asked through the speaker.

"The most handsome and gorgeous YouTuber you have ever signed!" I joked knowing Maddie would know it's me.

"Oh hi Jim I'll let you in." I laughed as Maddie buzzed me through.

I walked into the main office where everyone worked and as normal everyone looked up at me.

"Hello Mr Chapman!" Maddie joked.

"Hello Mr Smales!" I smiled at her and she giggled.

A few people said hellos. I said hello back then asked Maddie where the meeting was. She directed me there while asking me about my morning and things and I told her that I had simply met with some friends for brunch as I was telling the truth I just didn't tell her who the friends were.

I walked into the meeting to see a bunch of sweets and lollypops on the table so I instantly grabbed a lollipop and grabbed two more for later.

"Okay Louis were here to discuss your merchandise not rot you teeth." Nick the guy who helped me design my previous merchandise scolded me.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes and sat down on the other side of the table to him.

"So Louis I have created this logo from what you told me last time-" and that's when I zoned out.

I left the meeting with prototype of the T-shirts, jumpers, posters and tour braces. I had got the jumper in a large so I could give it to Harry as a present.

I spent a while talking to the people in the office. Joe had arrived while I was in my meeting so I was chatting with him and Dom for a while before deciding to go grab the things from my PO box as Gleam were always bugging me about going and getting it.

I grabbed two of the three huge mail bags full of parcels and letters. My fans were far too generous! I would have to make a mail video and do something to repay them!

I asked Joe to help me carry the third bag down to my car then we walked back up to the office. I only went back to grab my laptop and say goodbye to Dom and Maddie as I had decided to go back home and call Harry on my way.

Once I started up my car I asked it to call Harry and before long I was driving home while talking to Harry.

"So I finished my meeting and all's gone well! Were you in a meeting?" I asked worried that I had forced him to go outside and miss out on important information.

"Nah we're just in the studio working on a few things. You could come join? Sophia has just left but she's been here with Liam for about an hour." Harry told me and I like the idea.

"Yeah! I would love it! Oh and I have a present for you! Text me the address and I will meet you there."

Seconds later I got a text with the address it was about 15 minutes away from where I was so instead of going home first I went straight to the studio.

It felt weird to say I was going to the studio as it seemed like such a rockstar things to say.

Once I got there Harry met me at the door and we walked in together. I had his present in a bag in my hand and once we were in the studio I gave it to him.

"Here you go love."

Harry opened it and his smile was huge! "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" He shouted and hugged me. He loved it.

"Now I can wear your logo everywhere!" He beamed but then a lady in her mid to late 30's came in and Harry fell silent.

"You will not wear his logo everywhere. You are not allowed to wear that jumper in public." Her voice was sour and evil.

"Who's that?" I whispered to him. I could see he was uncomfortable with her in the room even though she was sat on the other side of the room.

"Management." He whispered back, his voice cracking with emotion.


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